I just deleted a 30 GB video

I just deleted a 30 GB video on my external hard drive. I haven't used it for anything ells after that.

I can't find it. But I can find files that i delete yesterday.

Can anyone tell me what the problem is?

There are several problems here.

If the file was deleted via the recycler then it might have been renamed, to $Rnnnnnn.ext.

If it was shift/del'd, then the record in the MFT might have been overwritten, common in recently created files.

Files over 4gb I size have their cluster addresses in the MFT record overwritten on deletion, so if the record were to be found then there would be no link to the data clusters.

A deep scan might find the file, but only the first extent. A file of this size may well be, or very likely is, fragmented.

The odds are not looking good.