ok i was using my old comp and i was deleting some stuff that i did not need like quick and it asked me if i wanted to delete some shared dlls, obviosuly as part of the next part generation i clicked yes to all. now when windows starts its says that need dll file is missing and windows needs to be reinstalled. right im on windows me and i think i have the windows 98se disc somewhere. how am i meant to reinstall it without being able to get onto the desktop. and agina buggar
Copy/unpack the file from the .cab on the install CD to a floppy if it'll fit if it won't use a CD-RW disc. Then use a Win98 bootdisk and copy it when in DOS to the proper location.
how do i put the comp into msdos mode. i dont see it when i press f8 at the start
what does the boot disk put it into dos??
Yes, and to give you access to your CD or DVD drive. You may want to copy the file(s) (unpacked) onto a CD-RW disc using your working system that way you won't have to fiddle with too many command line tools.
can u use this boot disk to uninstalll windows then install it again
i really dont understand what i am meant to do, i got into dos. but i dont understand what to do now. which cab file am i meant to use and how to i copy it to the correct posistion. can i just use the boot disk to uninstall windows me then install windows 98 se
Start the computer with a bootdisk and it will boot into MSDOS mode (or similiar) then reinstall Windows.
If you dont have a bootdisk you can make one from another computer under "Add/Remove Programs" in the control panel.
Or you can goto www.bootdisk.com and get one.
You might want to format disk (but do backup of files you might need first). Installing over a current installation is not a very good idea even if it might work. If you dont want format, you can delete C:\Windows\ and C:\Program Files\ then reinstall it.
If pressing F8 dont work, then holding CTRL down might work.
ok i put in the command to uninstall windows but it waits a minute then tells me that it cannot read drive E: am i meant to put the me disc in it. because i dont have it
If drive E:\ is a cd/dvd drive you need to use the option on the bootdisk to load cd drivers, which will allow you to access your cd/dvd drive within MS-DOS mode. Note: When in MS-DOS mode be careful, drive letters may get bumped back one or more letters.
isnt loading the cd drivers when it gives the option to look at the help file, load without cd support, with cd support, and minimal boot. i did chose to have cd support. is there something else that i must do.
What .dll file did you delete that is needed? I'm thinking there may be a easier solution to helping you since you don't seem familiar with MS-DOS.
the dll is called c:/windows/system/msvcrt.dll
i have fixed it yay, thanks for all your help even though you didnt really help lol apart from telling me about the bootdisk thingy