I found a Solution to cleaning Edge files

So I was seeing the same as others - Edge files were just showing as 'skipped' in CCleaner.

I have managed to get CCleaner to clean out the Edge files; heres how:

Opened up edge.

Clicked the three dots, top right

Clicked Settings

Clicked clear browsing data ‘Choose what to clear’

Selected all options

went back to settings

Clicked Advanced settings ‘View advanced settings’

Turned them all off except - block pop-ups, Send Do Not Track requests, and SmartScreen filter

Exited from edge.

CCleaner now cleans Edge files for me.


It may be that only the 'Choose what to clear' bit is required.

I'm not entirely sure that the Advanced Settings step is needed; but thats what I did and I'm not going back to change them again.

I usually use Firefox anyway.

OK, after applying the above CCleaner still skips Edge files now and again, presumably because somthing is still accessing its database.

But it does clean the Edge files now and again.


MMM. having trouble attaching the screenshot - double click it to enlarge.

I just deleted the ccleaner.ini file.... Seems to be ok now, but feel CCleaner still has issues with W10.. One big issue for me is it's PIG slow when running "drive wipe" free space.. Not good at all..

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