hpHOSTS - UPDATED May 25th, 2008

hpHOSTS - UPDATED May 25th, 2008

The hpHOSTS Hosts file has been updated. There is now a total of 53,093 listed hostsnames.

If you are NOT using the installer, please read the included Readme.txt file for installation instructions. Enjoy!

Latest Updated: 25/05/2008 18:20

Last Verified: 25/05/2008 17:30

Download hpHosts now!


hpHOSTS is a community managed hosts file. What that means to you is that you have a key role to play in improving hpHOSTS by submitting undesirable sites you think should be listed or by requesting removal of sites you think may have been added in error. This process is performed in our public forums and all decisions to add or remove sites are subject to public criticism and ongoing re-evaluation. If you would like to get involved, please register* at the hpHOSTS Hosts File Support Forum.

* Registration is free and is not required to download the hpHOSTS hosts file.


Alternative hosts file providers:

MVPS - http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm

McRae - http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/

Mike Skallas - http://everythingisnt.com/hosts.html



Steven Burn

Ur I.T. Mate Group


Keeping it FREE!

Edit: Wrong hosts file. :rolleyes:

That HPhosts file, as good as it was, blocked the Big Fish Games site. A big no-no in Coronas' book. :angry: I got rid of it.

That HPhosts file, as good as it was, blocked the Big Fish Games site. A big no-no in Coronas' book. :angry: I got rid of it.

That's one out of 53,093 entries. :blink:

What was the entry?

Did you ask for it to be removed?


I have nothing better to do than read through 53,000 entries.

I stopped getting access to Big Fish Games around the time I installed the host list. So I removed it and now I have access again.

I have nothing better to do than read through 53,000 entries.

I stopped getting access to Big Fish Games around the time I installed the host list. So I removed it and now I have access again.

Find in Notepad works wonders. bigfishgames.com <== entry 7816 www.bigfishgames.com <== entry 34915

Quite a few McAfee SiteAdvisor users complain about spam, pop-ups and viruses:


Thanks for the Notepad info.

Big Fish sells games so naturally they're gonna send spam email. I bought 3 games through them and the most I get is maybe 2 promo emails a month. And I haven't gotten any 3rd party crap from or through them. And all their games are tested so they're adware free. Very clean site altogether.

Paul McCartney (about his uncle) - "He's a clean man."

Paul McCartney (about his uncle) - "He's a clean man."
Wasn't that Wilfrid Brambell in A Hard Day's Night (1964)? :lol:

As the saying goes Don't Throw The Baby Out With The Bath Water.

So don't discard the use of hpHosts HOSTS file for the sake of two entries that you can delete quickly that I did to see the site.

Why not update your Profile to fill in your Location?

That HPhosts file, as good as it was, blocked the Big Fish Games site. A big no-no in Coronas' book. :angry: I got rid of it.

While you could use Notepad to edit, why not download HostsXpert from Funkytoad?


HostsXpert will not only let you edit the file, but it also will download the latest HOSTS file from MVPS.org or the HPHosts file.

It's a very nice little utility. Take a look at Homer while you're there.

In regard to one of the greatest films of all time, "A Hard Day's Night", not only do I have about 5 different released versions on DVD and videotape but I still remember the day my dad took me to see it when it was first released during the height of Beatlemania! Twelve years later, this film was considered the best of cinema verite, and I found myself watching it for about the 20th time. However, this time it wasn't on late night TV (or the telly), but during a college film studies class! I've always felt the most memorable line was when a reporter asks Ringo at the press party, "Are you a mod or a rocker?" and Ringo replies, "No, I'm a mocker".

15 second clip of "A Hard Day's Night" press party

"She's all grody." Yeah that's an hysterical film. :lol: It's a timeless classic, except for the whole Beatlemania thing.

I bookmarked the FunkyToad site and will take a look around. Looks fun. As far as the whole hosts thing goes, I'm fine now as I am but will take a look further into it before I start downloading stuff blindly.

As far as my Profile location goes, I like to keep a low profile. ;) I'm in the northeastern US.

Okay I downloaded HostsXpert and looked for a minute or so, downloaded the hpHosts file, found bigfishgames.com, whitelisted it, but I don't see www.bigfishgames.com.

Now Big Fish Games acts like it did during the last time I had hpHosts, it won't load. I suspect this is because I didn't find the www.bigfishgames entry. :huh:

I really like this hostsXpert program and I'm gonna give Homer a whirl (woohoo!) but I first want to get this www.bigfishgames.com thing resolved.

Another thing, I see hpHosts and MVPhosts(?). Can I download them both? Do I choose Merge? What if there are double entries?


Anybody? :huh:

Okay I downloaded HostsXpert and looked for a minute or so

I tried HostXpert and did not like it.

I use HostsMan and its companion HostServer:


Another thing, I see hpHosts and MVPhosts(?). Can I download them both? Do I choose Merge? What if there are double entries?

I use both hpHosts and MVPS HOSTS files managed by HostsMan and it will Merge the files deleting duplicates.

I just found www.bigfishgames.com and whitelisted it so that problem's solved. Page loads.

There's another program? But I wanted this one. :( Forget Homer, looks like it's for something I'd never need to use.

There are merge commands for hp & MVP, I just hope I can go about melding them both in co-existence.

I just found www.bigfishgames.com and whitelisted it so that problem's solved. Page loads.
That's good.

There's another program? But I wanted this one. :( Forget Homer, looks like it's for something I'd never need to use.

Homer speeds up the browser and can substitute a small image in place of the site blocked by the HOSTS file

What the Heck is Homer? -Like all Funkytoad software, Homer is super small

speedy freeware, never spyware, Ultra-grooveware.

Ok, really, Homer is a LocalHost webserver.

Homer listens to IP address on port 80 for Http requests

and serves up an image of your choice to your webbrowser.

If you block Ads with a gigantic Hosts file - Homer is for you i.e..

Homer can dramatically improve the speed of your browsing experience.


I like HostsMan and Hosts Server because of the log function of HostServer that can also display the referer of the site that is trying to display adverts that will be blocked by the HOSTS file.

hpHOSTS - UPDATED July 2nd, 2008

The hpHOSTS Hosts file has been updated. There is now a total of 53,175 listed hostsnames.

If you are NOT using the installer, please read the included Readme.txt file for installation instructions. Enjoy!

Latest Updated: 02/07/2008 23:00

Last Verified: 02/07/2008 22:30

Download hpHosts now!


hpHOSTS is a community managed hosts file. What that means to you is that you have a key role to play in improving hpHOSTS by submitting undesirable sites you think should be listed or by requesting removal of sites you think may have been added in error. This process is performed in our public forums and all decisions to add or remove sites are subject to public criticism and ongoing re-evaluation. If you would like to get involved, please register* at the hpHOSTS Hosts File Support Forum.

* Registration is free and is not required to download the hpHOSTS hosts file.


Alternative hosts file providers:

MVPS - http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm

McRae - http://pgl.yoyo.org/as/

Mike Skallas - http://everythingisnt.com/hosts.html

Malware Domain List - http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt



Steven Burn

Ur I.T. Mate Group


Keeping it FREE!
