How to?

Ok, I am sure it is as plain as the nose on my face :lol: , but I can't seem to find it. is there a way to keep CCleaner from clearing out the programs that have been run from the "Start" menu. In other words when I click on "Start" there should be a list on the left hand side that shows all the recent programs I have run.

I have looked on all the settings and nothing seems to say that to me. I sure one of you will tell me and then I will see that it was just right before my face and I will be embarrassed. :o

Thanks & have a good day,


Windows > Windows Explorer > Recent Documents

Windows > Windows Explorer > Recent Documents


Thanks so much for your quick reply. Did that and the programs that I have launched are still erased from the menu when I click on "start" the list on the left is empty. Example, I run CCleaner, click on "start" the programs are still there on the left, I restart the computer and they are gone. It is no big deal, I can live without that part of windows, but it is handy sometimes.

Thanks & have a good day,


Windows > Advanced > Menu Order Cache

But its unchecked by default (on mine anyway)

Windows > Advanced > Menu Order Cache

But its unchecked by default (on mine anyway)


Thanks so very much but on mine it is not checked either. I am not sure what is happening, I kind of like the recently run programs to be there in the start menu on the left, but I can live without them to have everything else CCleaner brings me. :D

Have a good day,


Thats strange then :huh: Anyway, Menu Order Cache is the option that clears the Start Menu recent used programs.

I am haveing the same issue on 2 different computers that I use. I have all the advanced options unchecked. Yet everytime I run the progam it erases all the recently used programs in the start menu.

This only recently started. I updated to the 6/30/2005 winapp2.ini that is posted in the "Add a program to winapp2.ini, Add additional programs to CCleaner." thread. And that is when it started.

Normandie are you using the winapp2.ini file?

This is caused by having the "Advanced" -> "User Assist History" checked. There is actually a warning in the program that this list of programs will be removed. ;)


Ok, I am sure it is as plain as the nose on my face :lol: , but I can't seem to find it. is there a way to keep CCleaner from clearing out the programs that have been run from the "Start" menu. In other words when I click on "Start" there should be a list on the left hand side that shows all the recent programs I have run.

I have looked on all the settings and nothing seems to say that to me. I sure one of you will tell me and then I will see that it was just right before my face and I will be embarrassed. :o

Thanks & have a good day,


I fixed the problem in winapp2.ini too...

Thanks to all of you!!!

Have a good day,

Normandie :D


First of all let me say that I LOVE your program and my computer has never ran better than now, thanks to CCleaner!!!!! :D

This is caused by having the "Advanced" -> "User Assist History" checked. There is actually a warning in the program that this list of programs will be removed. ;)


I know this, if you look a little farther up in the post, I have said that I have not checkmarked that feature because I did not want those erased, but they were erased in spite of the fact that I had not check marked that feature.

But all is correct now that TwistedMetal redid the winapp2.ini, so all is back to the way it was.

Thanks to all for your help & have a great day,
