How can i stop ccleaner for removing downdown menu entries in windows 8
I have unticked other explorerer MRUs & Taskbar Jump list but it makes no difference
your help appreciated
Regards Cremora
How can i stop ccleaner for removing downdown menu entries in windows 8
I have unticked other explorerer MRUs & Taskbar Jump list but it makes no difference
your help appreciated
Regards Cremora
Can you give a specific example of what is happening to you?
Hi mta
thanks for responding so soon and hope your festive season is going well.
I often have to use the "Run" command in Windows 8 for various reasons
but mostly for registry and services.
Whenever i do it may be after several weeks but then i have to search elsewhere
for the entry command which is a pain as it is not remembered or is removed
from the dropdown list.
Before contacting the forum i exhausted all the avenues of Windows being the
I refrained from using ccleaner for several days to see if the dropdown list stayed
intact and it does & as soon as i ran ccleaner it wiped the list clean.
Thanks for your time
Regards Cremora
Hi DennisD
I will try and see what happens.
will let you know
Thanks and have a great New Year
Regards Cremora
Best wishes to you also Cremora.
Hi DennisD
Happy New Year to you and to all at the forum, hope its a great year for you all.
I tried your suggestion and it seems to be the answer, i will monitor it for a few days
and see but so far so good.
Thanks a million
Regards Cremora
You're welcome Cremora, and you have a good year also.