How-to Squeeze every last drop for Privacy concerns?

I'll try to explain this best I can. Back in Vista days, I had CCleaner setup such that it deleted/cleaned every drop of privacy except of course things like remembering passwords and settings for websites, like this one. There was a template someone made back then for Vista users.

Is their such a template for Windows 7 x64 users?

There are a lot of UNCHECKED BOXES and I'm terrified which to touch and which to stay away from.

I got some embarrassing things that a casual abuser could find and I'd like to keep the bad stuff for MY eyes only if you get my drift.

Thanks folks!

Praise God for our ability to create a problem and work ourselves out of it. <g>

For the cache of (ahem) embarrassing stuff maybe you would feel safer with TrueCrypt.

Also you can surf with private browsing.

As for the unchecked boxes I too am apprehensive checking them unless necessary, as I just did to clean Tray Notifications Cache. So I leave 'em unchecked.

a template someone made back then

I've never seen this template and you didn't link it, but Vista and Seven are relativly the same so I'd say that that same template should be fine in seven as it is in vista.

That said, what specfically is unchecked that you are apprehensive to check?