How to set option start cleaning when ccleaner is started?

How to set option start cleaning when ccleaner is started?

As far as I know there isn't a way to do that

Maybe in older versions? It seems like I used to set it

You can set it to run when you boot, but like Nergal I don't think it's ever been possible to run automagically just by opening the programme.

Having said that it should be possible by including a command line option in a desktop shortcut.

I have a seperate CC desktop icon/shortcut that will run CC in debug mode - because I edited the shortcut target to include the command switch ( /debug).

Automatic cleaning has been available for years. You just need to create a custom shortcut or .BAT or .CMD script to do it.

In short it's:

CCleaner.exe /AUTO

All the command line options can be viewed at: