Greetings. I was wondering how to disable the Right Click->New->Shortcut on the desktop of windows xp? I have my right click menu almost perfect and exactly the way I want it EXCEPT this annoying useless 'new shortcut' option.
I have been using programs such as ShellexView and also ContextEdit but I can't find a way to disable the Right Click->New->Shortcut on the desktop of windows xp. Does anyone know of a way to disable this?
Thanks for your time!
Just had a little read here and apparently the 'new' in the context menu is the only one present by default on a new xp install.
Have a read anyway, interesting info which you may know a bit about with the work you have already done.
hazelnut, thanks for that tip as it really speeded up my 'right click New' on the Desktop as I found what application that I installed slowed it down.
I un-installed the application as I did not like it much and now the 'right click New' pops up instantaneously.
Glad you found it useful Kenny, sometimes it's by accident or just reading something like that, that you find a solution.
I have my right click menu almost perfect and exactly the way I want it EXCEPT this annoying useless 'new shortcut' option.
I find the New - Shortcut handy for making an ipconfig /flushdns, process idle tasks, shutdown and restart shortcuts.
Another example is a shortcut with "C:\WINDOWS\system32\control.exe" will make a Control Panel shortcut on desktop where you can change the icon to suit.
when i load up ShellExView, i have 170 options to choose to disable or not, to try out each one individually would take hours of free time, and even then it might disable the RightClick->New option entirely, not just the 'shortcut' which is the only thing i want to disable.
by editing the registry, i was able to disable the entire 'new' menu after right click, but again that is not what i am trying to do, i should note that there is only 1 registry key which i was able to modify that affected the right click->new menu, even though there are 3 options i currently have under NEW, which are Folder, Shortcut, New Text Document.
so it looks like this Shortcut option is tied to the entire New menu after the right click? is that because it comes default with windows xp pro? does Shellexview really have the power to strike at individual sub menu options?
"I don't think you can" disable just the creation of New->Shortcut because I had a look where the New menu resides and this is all that it lists:
The key should be the same for Win 95 to XP, don't know about Vista though.
Not even Microsoft's Tweak UI can disable the New->Shortcut item. So it looks like you have to either disable the whole New menu altogether or possibly give up for now.
Edit: Now I really doubt it can be done because it's controlled by what's built into:
If you happen to mess something up in your quest and need to restore the New menu, here's an enable registry file for it that I made:
MD5 Checksum: ef9e347b3eebdf83735c6d4c00588fd7
thank you for your reply. now that i understand the severity of the nature of the RightClick->New->Shortcut, i guess that i will simply have to live with it for now and just now worry about disabling it, even though i did find it annoying.
i should point out one more thing, which is i was too agressive yesterday with my option disabling in ShellExView and i encountered a problem where my quick launch would be disabled and not shown EVERYTIME i rebooted, and i had no idea what was going on, but it turns out that one of the many 170+ options in SHellExView that i had disabled, was making it so that the quick launch wouldnt show. i recommend being careful and if you have a problem with something random like the quicklaunch, check your settings on your ShellExView! i was using it to try to disable the right click, new, shortcut i had mentioned in my 1st post.
i recommend being careful and if you have a problem with something random like the quicklaunch, check your settings on your ShellExView! i was using it to try to disable the right click, new, shortcut i had mentioned in my 1st post.
That's why System Restore, and ERUNT are good practices to practice before making changes that may not be so easy to undo.