How to make the forum better

Ok I plan to do some work on the forum sometime soon(this weekend included) and I want some suggestions on what we need. Things I plan to do so far are:

Hijack this rules sticky

Finnish essential software guide

Clean up the freeware thread.(remove junk links and infected software)

And maybe a couple other things I might think of while doing those. Does anyone here have any suggestions about what else I could do to make the forum better? If so let me know! :)

A lot of news appears in the lounge thread, maybe a specific "General News" thread where people can post news that other on the forum may find interesting.

I mentioned to MrG about putting a poll in the suggestions thread as i did to you. He said he would do it but nothing as yet, maybe you could PM and see if its ok because i think it would clean up that thread a lot.

One thought I had was a beta bugs section. Most people put their CCleaner beta errors in the Announcements or the CCleaner Bug Reporting sections. Maybe it would be easier to make beta problems separate? That way, if MrG is trying to fix errors, he doesn't have to weed through the Bug Reporting section to find errors people encounter in the beta; he can just go to the CCleaner Beta Errors section, where everything will be relavent to him. It would be nice for us users too!

A "Beta" thread would be a good idea but MrG stated in the his beta release post.

Please post any issues or problems, specifically with the secure delete, as a reply to this post.

I was thinking make it its own category, since a bug in a beta is very different from bugs in a stable version. Having super long threads are kind of a nuisance. If you have a problem, and you want to know if someone else has had the same problem previously, it is much easier to search through topics in an organized section than it is to view every single post on a thread to see if your problem is located somewhere.

Come to think of it, really popular threads, like the Freeware one, would make nice categories as well. If you had a Freeware section, you could have topics totally dedicated to one particular app, instead of people just saying "this is a good one", or "no, that one gave me viruses!" on one long thread. The Freeware section would be good for threads like this.

So my suggestion still stands: make new sections for popular topics, such as CCleaner Beta Bugs and Freeware.

For me, one of the things I like about this forum is it doesn't have loads of different topic sections. Other forums I know have loads, and things seem to get a bit "lost" or no posts go in them for days on end.

Tidying things up a bit is a bit of a different matter. I would like to see a way of making the sticky on how to use ccleaner's functions more obvious to the first time visitor, questions regularly are asked about this.

Freeware is very important to most users and I would agree it needs to be kept updated and junk free.

I would like if the forum was more light-weight and didnt depend so much on JavaScript and such. Especially the edit feature...

Enlighten me: what's wrong with JavaScript? I thought it was supposed to be good with compatibilities between different OSs and such. Is it a bulky language, or susceptible to viral attacks, or what?

@ Englishmen:

I cant figure a way to make the poll work. The suggestions thread is for people to suggest new a poll wouldnt really tell us anything.

I like the news idea though. I'll think of a way to add it in and then ask mr.g about adding it.:D


I agree I dont want the forum to become over crowded with redundant sections that make it hard to decide where to post. I plan to keep things simple. :D

I'll try to think of a good way to explain ccleaner. Although we do have a great tutorial on the main ccleaner page.(I might just add a link and say look here first)


The software section is to discuss software/freeware individually. I dont want the forum to have 30 different sections. The freeware topic is just for people to have a quick reference of stuff that we discussed.


There is nothing I can do about that. Its the way the forum software is and I'm a mod not an admin.


The software section is to discuss software/freeware individually. I dont want the forum to have 30 different sections. The freeware topic is just for people to have a quick reference of stuff that we discussed.

You spelled my name wrong! shaking angry fist

But anyway, I can understand not wanting 30 sections, and I realize that a line has to be drawn somewhere. But I think that adding two sections would be more helpful to the forum than it would be a detriment. Not huge deal, just thought I'd give a suggestion.

hey rridgely,

how about a specific "Tech assistance" or some such header for issues that dont fall under software or hardware (like internet access issues, etc.)? just a suggestion. i actually like the forum as it is. the suggestions so far will make it better though. ccleaner forum is starting to grow on me.

First of all, this is the first forum that I've ever used, and I absolutely love it. For people like me it would be very helpful to have a more informative FAQ section. It wasn't until a few days ago that I figured out how to use "some" of the forum features. I would constantly get error messages that directed me to a Help File that never had a solution.

I understand that this may not be necessary since I'm probably one the last people in existance becoming exposed to such forums.

Food for thought.


krit86lr is it a guide to using the forum that you want?

krit86lr is it a guide to using the forum that you want?

Yes please, if it's at all possible. Using the forum is what's difficult. CCleaner is easy...'press' clean!!! LOL

I'm not the most articulate individual.

:lol: K

@ Englishmen:

I cant figure a way to make the poll work. The suggestions thread is for people to suggest new a poll wouldnt really tell us anything.

What do you mean you cant get it to work, it don't work or cant you make a poll? I'm aware the suggestions thread is for people suggesting new things but 50% of the time the feature someone requests has already be requested so instead of them posting the same request they can just vote for the feature(obviously only if it is in the poll, but you could add more items in the poll as more things appear in the suggestions thread).

Enlighten me: what's wrong with JavaScript? I thought it was supposed to be good with compatibilities between different OSs and such. Is it a bulky language, or susceptible to viral attacks, or what?

Not all people wants to use JavaScript. It just can create hassle. All browers dont support it, all people dont want it enabled. It causes silly stuff like popups, new windows, resized windows, moving windows, full-screen windows, DHTML stuff that float and move around the windows and various silly and annoying stuff.

Not all people wants to use JavaScript. It just can create hassle. All browers dont support it, all people dont want it enabled. It causes silly stuff like popups, new windows, resized windows, moving windows, full-screen windows, DHTML stuff that float and move around the windows and various silly and annoying stuff.

I agree. There's only a handful of sites and forums that I enable JavaScript for, I've been doing that for years and shall continue doing that, and is one of the reasons using Opera is a joy because it can quickly be disabled and enabled.

The only suggestion I have to make the forums better is to investigate why the connection sometimes dies way too often which seems like a Denial of Service (DoS).

This happens to me regularly when attempting to post a reply. Hence the reason I don't visit the forums nearly as much as I used to because I'm now very used to the connection going completely kaput, therefore posting something is pointless when it won't go through. And to add to it I don't think it's necessarily a software-based firewall issue because it happens with WinXP's firewall, Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall, and ZoneAlarm Free, whatsmore I also don't think it's my ISP since I have three dial-up numbers.

How bout an idiot section. For Rochip, Loloike, and I.

How bout an idiot section. For Rochip, Loloike, and I.

Maybe lock it as well :blink::D