As title says it, I want to keep Youtube language and locations settings while deleting all the history,
The thing is; my pc at home already does that, it deletes all the history but keeps the language and locations settings of youtube, but I couldn't manage to do that my other pc at office,
I checked all the settings, make them all the same but it didn't work. When I exclude youtube, it keeps everything, history ...etc etc, so should I enable intelegent scan and wait for Ccleaner to recognize
my youtube settings and keep them by itself?
I am scratching my head here, thanks in advanced for any help.
I tought I was very clear, I want to keep the language and locations settings of youtube and the same time delete the all history, I know there must be a way cause ccleaner on my pc at home does that, as you can see picture below, youtube is not even on the cookies list, but when I run cleaner it deletes all the history and keeps the language and location settings, I tried intellegent scan also but couldn't manage it, if I add youtube to cookies to keep side, then it doesn't delete anything at all,
so could ccleaner recognize my settings eventually and stop deleting those settings by itself or is there any other way to do that?
the link you send, I already read that there is no info about my question in there, or am I missing something?
I thought the lang settings you chose would be set in a cookie, I mean where else would it be saved. If it is a cookie you'd need to use YouTube to get that cookie saved onto your computer, and then configure Cookies to Keep to not delete that cookie.
Unless it's something you've configured in your web browsers.
If I'm wrong someone else that knows may post a reply.