How to get CCleaner working in windows 98

When I tried running CCleaner 2.35 in Win 98, it gave an error stating: The Microsoft Layer for Unicode was not found - unicows.dll.

Download the file from

When you have that file, extract the contents to a folder.

Then, create a folder with your CCleaner.exe & .ini file & drop the unicows.dll in it. You can now run CCleaner 2.35 in Windows 98.

CCleaner is now ready for your flash drive.

I tried Defraggler with the XP Kernel32 file in the same folder as Defraggler & the ini file, but it said:

The Defraggler.exe file is linked to missing export Kernel32.dll:SetFilePointerEx. I also tried it with the W98 version of it on a different folder & still got an error.

I will try some other things later when I have time to see if it is possible to make Defraggler run on W98.


P.S. You will find that using mass storage controller drivers for your kingston/cruzer etc drives may not work for enabling access on Windows 98. What DOES work, however, is to burn a CD with the backup from your XP system of the USB mass controller driver, then browse in Windows 98 under the Device Manager to your USB device with the yellow ? mark beside it & update the driver using the XP USB mass storage driver.

You can back that up using Double Driver:

This is one nice guy. He listened to some suggestions I had earlier, concerning the ability to back up drivers from a system drive that could not boot as well as other minor things. I send feedback for a few other changes, so it should get even better later on.

If you are able to donate to Piriform, or the double driver guy, both people well deserve it.

You will want to burn the USB mass storage controller driver after you back it up, to a CD so that you can install it in W98 so that you can now see your flash drive.

Hope this helps!

Hopefully, I will get Defraggler working on 98 later, but it make be a while before I have the time. I will update you all later.

Edit: Recuva also needs the same Unicows dll to work under 98SE

Attempting to use the XP video/audio drivers in 98 will probably fail do to the use of NT Kernel elements. So, don't bother backing up those with Double Driver or Driver Magician Lite to use under 98.

Since XP uses the System32 folder for it's drivers & W98 uses the System folder, I plan to next try copying all the XP System32 files to the 98 System32 folder. There should be no conflict, because 98 uses the System folder for system files.

I will update later to let you know if this does anything...

Unicows.dll is provided with the (at least) portable versions of all piriform products

You perhaps haven't looked lately,

unicows.dll v1.1.3790 comes standard with all ccleaner installs.

The best advise for any win9x, if that exact version isn't

present in the system directory make it so Mr. Don.

No registration needed, your customers will not complain.;)

For usb support in win9x there are several answers.

But NUSB 3.3 is a very mature & stable package

that also adds USB2.0 support. I use it when needed.

Available at

The main thread is available on MSFN.ORG

The main win 98/98se/me forum topic @

You perhaps haven't looked lately,

unicows.dll v1.1.3790 comes standard with all ccleaner installs.

The best advise for any win9x, if that exact version isn't

present in the system directory make it so Mr. Don.

No registration needed, your customers will not complain.;)

For usb support in win9x there are several answers.

But NUSB 3.3 is a very mature & stable package

that also adds USB2.0 support. I use it when needed.

Available at

The main thread is available on MSFN.ORG

The main win 98/98se/me forum topic @

Unicows does not install on a regular install on my machine.

I have not tried the installer on a win98 machine to see if it does extract it for W98.

Unicows IS included on the portable versions of CCleaner by default.

I use WinRar to max compress + solid CCleaner so that it is as small as possible, into a self extracting SFX file.

I save usually 50%-75% this way on my flash drive space, in addition to unifying things into a single file.

Additionally, if you do have Unicows in your program directory, it may appear that CCleaner is installing it each time you update because it will not overwrite/replace anything but the CCleaner files when updating from an installer.