How to disable certain options

I work in a support environment and we are in the process of pushing out CCleaner portable to all of our sales people. One thing we would like to do is disable certain items of the Cleaner (Recently Typed URL's, Autocomplete Form history, etc) so the user is unable to check them. Is there a way to do this?

TIA for any info.


I'm still looking for a way to "lock down" certain options in C Cleaner.

Thanks to anyone who can help with this!

Go to CCleaner program folder and open winapp.ini file. Then put semicolon ( ; ) to front of the item(s) you want to disable, like this:

;[Adobe Flash Player]
;FileKey1=%appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player|*.*|RECURSE

That way the item is easy to re-enable, when needed. (just remove semicolon)

Thanks for the reply.

A couple things:

  1. I'm not really concerned with the items on the Applications tab, mainly the items on the Windows tab (ie. Cookies, Recently Typed URL's, Recent Documents).
  2. I don't want to remove the item from the listing, I just want it greyed out so the user can't check the item.

So, basically I just want the items available to the user (checked below) and the rest of the options i want to be greyed out so the user cannot check them:


Thanks again for any help!

I'm pretty sure there is not a way to do this exactly how you want.

Like said before, editing the .ini file is probably going to be your only option. You will still get the same results though. Instead of an option not being "checkable" it will just not exist. You could of course just copy and paste back into the .ini again if you decide you want something cleaned that was removed.

I'm pretty sure there is not a way to do this exactly how you want.

I disagree.

Just uncheck the boxes on your installation you want to keep unchecked on your customers. Then fire up regedit, go to:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options]

Export the relevant options and ship the .reg file to your customers.

That wasn't that hard. LOL @ all of you. :P

I'm pretty sure there is not a way to do this exactly how you want.

Like said before, editing the .ini file is probably going to be your only option. You will still get the same results though. Instead of an option not being "checkable" it will just not exist. You could of course just copy and paste back into the .ini again if you decide you want something cleaned that was removed.

Thanks for the reply. Removing the item should be fine also, although I don't see how I would remove items from the Windows tab as from what I can see winapp.ini only deals with those items listed in the applications tab. Any ideas?


I disagree.

Just uncheck the boxes on your installation you want to keep unchecked on your customers. Then fire up regedit, go to:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options]

Export the relevant options and ship the .reg file to your customers.

That wasn't that hard. LOL @ all of you. :P

Thanks Stroganoff, although if you look in my original post, CC portable is being pushed out to the customer therefore no registry entries will exist. Thanks for trying though.


I'm pretty sure there is not a way to do this exactly how you want.

Hi rridgely,

No truer statement made than this one.

Hello Lynch30,

Sorry to it say it but you will be better off to turn your question into a request and post it in CCleaner Suggestions and hope something develops from there.

Best Wishes,

:) davey