How to delete uninstall files of Windows Update Patches and Windows Update source files

I looked through the forums and I wasn't sure where to ask questions regarding CCleaner. The CCleaner forum did not seem to have a place to ask questions, only provide suggestions, so I posted it here. I hope that's okay.

Question: How do I delete uninstall files of Windows Update Patches and Windows Update source files using CCleaner? Is it safe to do this?

In CCleaner, large Cleaner button, look under Advanced. It's Hotfix Uninstallers.

You need to run the registry cleaner afterwords though to remove the uninstall links in the registry.

Although some say it's pointless to remove them, especially if you have a large capacity hard disk as you'll never know if a Windows Update will mess up your system. It's really only useful if you have allot of them and need to reclaim disk space, otherwise I'd leave them alone.


In CCleaner, large Cleaner button, look under Advanced. It's Hotfix Uninstallers.

You need to run the registry cleaner afterwords though to remove the uninstall links in the registry.

Although some say it's pointless to remove them, especially if you have a large capacity hard disk as you'll never know if a Windows Update will mess up your system. It's really only useful if you have allot of them and need to reclaim disk space, otherwise I'd leave them alone.

Yes, but I have seen the reverse take effect too.

Sometimes running a hotfix uninstaller will revert files, remove files or change settings in such a way that Windows actually either destabilizes, or crashes.

Be very careful when/IF deciding to remove hot fixes. Many times, they are multi-dependent, meaning they are layered on other hotfixes & or services & cause untold headaches upon removal.

It is true that hotfixes can mess up your system, but it is also true due to the multi-dependent nature of the fixes (+ the fact that some of them alter so many registry keys & system files) that uninstalling them can trash your system as well.

I would hazard the guess to be up to the user as to whether or not to remove them.

Also it only does it for windows XP (not Vista nor Win7)

Also it only does it for windows XP (not Vista nor Win7)

Hence the reason it's actually pointless to remove them, even for XP. If disk space is a major issue buy a new hard disk, they're inexpensive, then make an image of the old smallish hard disk to put onto the new larger one.