How can I backup CCleaner preferences like "Cookies to Keep" etc if XP fails and I have to do a Reinstall ?
How can I backup CCleaner preferences like "Cookies to Keep" etc if XP fails and I have to do a Reinstall ?
Hi whatever your name is (I'm not even gonna try this one), and welcome to Piriform.
In CCleaner, make sure you have the box checked in Options\Advanced\Save All Settings To INI File.
You can then use any backup software to make a backup of that INI file in CCleaners folder, or copy it manually, to another hard drive, partition or thumb drive.
One good freeware backup program used by a number of members is:
If not already doing it, you should be using something like this to backup other important/personal data.
Hope that helps.
Nice name dude.
Welcome to the forum by the way.
Make sure you have "Save all settings to INI file" checked in Options > Advanced
Then go to C:\Program Files\CCleaner and copy the file that looks like a notepad.
Thanks for showing me the answer. I now understand how to save my CCleaner personal settings separately
It is the cookies that save the logon-info to websites isn't it ?
5 years with XP, upto 10 re-intalls and only now in 2009 have I perfected how to backup without ever having to re-install again.
Just learnt / bothered how to use Western Digital's Drive to Drive copy Utility correctly.
(I had tried 2 or 3 other Clone / Image programs before but they always had Windows clone corruptions or just would not re-image.)
Only have to fix 2 things once Drive to Drive Copy clone is done = easy and fast - 80gb to 80gb HD = 20 minutes sata to sata connection.
1.Correct boot.ini error if the text "Windows" appears twice in the boot manager,
2. Fix system restore - disable system restore in services then restart in My Computer properties > System Restore > UNTICK "Turn off System Restore"
In Administrative Tools > "Services" check that Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator are set to Automatic
so that Automatic "System Checkpoints' in System Restore will work/continue.
Now no worries if XP or hard disk ever happens to become unbootable for some sudden, stupid, un-fixable reason.
Good to here you're doing the backup thing. It saves a lot of pain, and yes, it's cookies for the log-in data.
There is a good freeware Disk Imaging application which takes a snapshot of a drive or partition, and then saves to either another drive or DVD's. (In my case I do both)
I know it works because I've had the occasion to restore the Image, and it was A-OK. If nothing else, bookmark it in case you have need of a reserve so to speak.
Macrium: (Free Version)