PDF-XChange looks Safe
PDF-XChange looks Safe
I open my pdf's sandboxed.
Foxit Reader have taken this seriously and say they will issue a new version later today
Foxit Corporation takes every security concern seriously and we focus our engineering resources on determining the cause of each issue and coming up with a complete and safe solution.
After receiving word of a recent security concern, the Foxit development team immediately looked into the issue, confirmed the risk and resolved the situation quickly. Foxit expects to release a new version of Foxit Reader with this fix on April 2, 2010.
To address the specific problems outlined, Foxit has added a warning dialog box that will pop up when a PDF file is opened with Foxit Reader, asking the user to agree to execute or not. This solution adds a layer of safety yet maintains Foxit Reader’s compliance with current PDF standards.
Foxit is committed to adhering to and advancing current PDF standards; as such, we have developed a safer, easier and more widely accepted PDF document reader.
Foxit upgrade is available now
SumatraPDF says nothing and doesn't open CMD.