When I publish Speccy info to the Web, how long will it remain available?
Excellent question !!!
What happens in the Internet stays on the Internet
Published Speccy snapshots will remain online unless users request for it to be removed.
You can request removal of snapshots by emailing a removal request to support@piriform.com and providing the url to the snapshot to be removed.
The answer MrV gave assumes that the computer user:
- never changes his/her computer system
- never buys a new computer system.
- still remembers, still has the weblink to the relevant Speccy snapshot.
I think it's better to limit the availability to say 2, 3, or 5 years after the last time the snapshot was accessed. One always can rerun Speccy again and produce a new snapshot.
I think it's better to limit the availability to say 2, 3, or 5 years after the last time the snapshot was accessed. One always can rerun Speccy again and produce a new snapshot.
Maintaining a log of access times and configuring a purge daemon to run through millions of files every day would take a lot of computational resources. The cost/benefit trade-off is not worth it.
- Doesn't a (web-)server keep track of when a file has been accessed ?
So what's best way to post Speccy results to a forum where I'm asking for help with a PC issue & still keep my personal info hidden? Let me be more clear, the name of my computer definitely shows my gender whereas my user name is generic. Does that make sense?
The published Speccy snapshot won't reveal any sensitive personal info.
(I know this answer has been posted in a different thread but I think it's more appropriate to post the answer in this thread)
- Piriform could add a date to the URL of the SPECCY snapshot. Then it will be much easier to delete all snapshots that are older than say 3, 4, or say 5 years. It's my opinion that after say 5 years the SPECCY snapshot is outdated anyway.