how do I stop removal of "g**" cookie

During analyze it removes the cookies "g**" and "www.g**". I would like to leave those cookies in, but they do not show up on the "cookies to delete list" since they are already deleted. It does not seem possible to type in a cookie in the "cookies to keep" list, and I do not want to uncheck the cookies boxes in the browser lists (which will leave them in). Is there any work around?

Vista SP1

E8500@3.16, 4GB

ATI Radeon HD 4800 series

Raptor 300GB

Mozilla 3.0.7

Go to Google or do whatever you do to create the cookies. Open CC and in Options/Cookies drag the relevant cookies from the left to the right panel. Then run CC.

It never shows up in the left panel, ever, and then it deletes it either during analyze or run. I do not see how you can get it to the "cookies to keep", right panel.

Do you use IE or Firefox?

Do you use IE or Firefox?

Both. After those cookies are deleted, I am logged out of google in both browsers.

After you've logged on to the sites, come back to CCleaner, and do an "Analyze". Analyze doesn't delete anything, it should bring the cookies up in CCleaners window.

I actually keep similar cookies to the ones you mention.

After you've logged on to the sites, come back to CCleaner, and do an "Analyze". Analyze doesn't delete anything, it should bring the cookies up in CCleaners window.

I actually keep similar cookies to the ones you mention.

This is the log of my "Analyze", which seems to indicate that the cookies are deleted during "Analyze", which I also thought was not supposed to happen.



thank you for this post

This is the log of my "Analyze", which seems to indicate that the cookies are deleted during "Analyze", which I also thought was not supposed to happen.


That is a minor wording bug with CCleaner that has never been corrected. Those cookies are NOT deleted, and neither is anything else, just running analyse (as you would see by running analyse again and they will still show up). If they show up when you run analyse they should show up in CCleaners 'Options>Cookies' section