How Do I Stop CCleaner Portable v5.76 From Automatically Checking for Updates?

I run CCleaner Free Portable from a removable USB stick a few times a month. I launched CCleaner v5.75.8269 today at ~ 9:43 AM and was prompted to download the latest v5.76.8269 (rel. 13-Jan-2021). After the update finished I noticed that I now have a new file called CCUpdate.exe on my USB stick...


... and there appears to be a new task called CCleaner Update in Task Scheduler that is scheduled to run at least three times a day (once at every boot-up, plus twice a day at 9:43 AM and 9:43 PM) to look for an available update.


Are the CCUpdate.exe file and CCleaner Update task in Task Scheduler part of the the Emergency Updater introduced in CCleaner v5.36 (see the Oct 2017 article CCleaner 5.36 Emergency Updater) for installed versions of CCleaner (i.e., the "standard" and Slim builds)? This Emergency Updater was never included in my earlier versions of CCleaner Portable.

I would prefer to have this automatic update check either completely disabled or configure CCleaner Portable so that update checks only runs when I launch CCleaner, and don't want this background update check running multiple times a day (especially when I don't use an installed version of CCleaner and my USB stick is rarely plugged in). Going forward, do I have to delete the CCUpdate.exe file from my USB stick and delete the CCleaner Update task in Task Scheduler every time I update to a newer version of CCleaner Portable and then run a check for updates manually, or is there a simpler solution?

Here are my current CCleaner settings at Options | Updates. The option to "Keep CCleaner updated automatically" is always disabled, and enabling / disabling the option to "Send notifications when there is a new version of CCleaner" doesn't seem to have any affect on the CCleaner Update task in Task Scheduler.



64-bit Win 10 Pro v1909 build 18363.1256 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0-1.0.1130 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

Yes, CCupdate.exe is the emergency updater, and creates that task to check for emergency updates.

(You can delete them).

But it's not in the Portable version that I have downloaded here:


It looks that what has happened is that by using the updater you have installed regular CCleaner onto your USB stick.

I believe that is what the update would do; I think that as far as the updater is concerned you just have regular CCleaner Free installed at a non-standard location (the USB stick) and so it will install the new version there.

There again, as far as I am aware Portable would always do that if you updated from within CCleaner Portable itself.

It could be a bigger problem now if you left Automatic Updated ticked in the portable so that it did it itself rather than just prompting you.

To avoid that happening in future ignore the update prompt and download the new Portable from the Builds page as you would previously have done.

Make sure you turn off Automatic Updating in the new Portable version.

@Dave CCleaner any comment about this?

3 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Yes, CCupdate.exe is the emergency updater, and creates that task to check for emergency updates....It looks that what has happened is that<strong> <u><em>by using the updater</em></u> you have installed regular CCleaner onto your USB stick</strong>...

Hi nukecad:

Just FYI, here's the prompt I saw today when I launched the previous CCleaner Free Portable v5.75.8269 (rel. 10-Dec-2020) today from my USB stick. I clicked "Update Now " to accept the update.


How exactly would I know if I installed a "regular" version of CCleaner? I checked at Control Panel | Programs | Programs and Features and there is no CCleaner program listed there, and no uninstaller at D:\Portable\CCleaner (the folder on my USB stick where I normally saved and unzipped the file for CCleaner v5.75 and earlier) that I can run to uninstall the program and remove that CCleaner Update task from Task Scheduler.

As far as I can tell I still have the Portable build of CCleaner Free, but the built-in updater for CCleaner Free Portable v5.75 seems to have added the Emergency Updater during today's update to v5.76.8269.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v1909 build 18363.1256 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0-1.0.1130 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

Hi @lmacri @Dave CCleaner

I believe that this has been brought to Dev's attention by Andavari.

Just confirming that, as expected, the scheduled CCleaner Update task is failing with a 0x80070002 error every time it launches. I presume this is because my USB stick (normally assigned as D:\ drive) is rarely plugged in and the task can't find the Emergency Updater executable at D:\Portable\CCleaner\CCUpdate.exe.


I don't want the Emergency Updater running on my system, and that is the main reason I switched from the installed version of CCleaner to the portable build a few years ago. It's also a complete waste of system resources to have this CCleaner Update task running and failing multiple times a day on my system.

And before anyone asks, I do understand the intended purpose of the Emergency Updater. I was one of the 32-bit users who had "stage one" of the Floxif trojan installed on my computer when I ran the CCleaner Free v5.33 installer in September 2017 (see my post <here> in the Norton forum).


64-bit Win 10 Pro v1909 build 18363.1256 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0-1.0.1130 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

I think that we all agree that this shouldn't be happening with the portable.

I haven't heard from Dave CCleaner or any of the other Avast / Piriform employees yet, but if Avast / Piriform can't reproduce this problem with CCleaner Free Portable v5.75 I should mention that I created an outbound block in my Windows Firewall rules for CCleaner64.exe (located on my USB thumb drive at D:\Portable\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe) in October 2020 at Settings | Update & Security | Windows Security | Firewall & Network Protection | Advanced Settings |Outbound Rules | New Rule. I don't know if that's relevant but it might be affecting how the built-in software updater (introduced in v5.74 per the version history <here>) works on my Win 10 machine. Perhaps that outbound block prevents the automatic updater from determining that I use a Portable version of CCleaner Free that does not need the Emergency Updater and/or from determining what settings I use in CCleaner for the automatic updater at Options | Updates (shown in my image <above>).


I skipped the v5.74 update because it was so buggy and updated from CCleaner Portable v5.73 to v5.75 using the "old-fashioned" method (i.e., I unzipped the file and overwrote older files). I only noticed this problem with the addition of the Emergency Updater when I allowed the built-in software updater in v5.75 to update me to v5.76, but that might be because I skipped v5.74.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v1909 build 19041.746 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0.98-1.0.1146 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

The update nags are getting really annoying. I am using the Slim version.


2 hours ago, nikki605 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		The update nags are getting really annoying.  I am using the <strong>Slim </strong>version.

Hi nikki605:

The update reminder you've been posting about in mpw101's How to Turn Off Nag to Update? isn't really the topic of this thread, although I admit I was surprised to see the prompt below asking me to update from v5.75.8269 (rel. 10-Dec-2020) to v5.76.8269 (rel. 13-Jan-2021) when I launched CCleaner Free Portable on 14-Jan-2021 given that my settings at Options | Updates to "Keep CCleaner updated automatically" and "Send notifications when there is a new version of CCleaner" are normally disabled.


I deliberately chose the option to Update Now because I wanted to update CCleaner Portable to v5.76.8269. My problem is that the new built-in software updater (added to all CCleaner Free builds in v5.74) delivered a "new" (at least new to me) file called CCUpdate.exe and created a task called CCleaner Update in Task Scheduler (note that this scheduled CCleaner Update task always fails because CCupdate.exe is located on a removable USB stick that is rarely plugged in to my computer). Moderator nukecad confirmed <above> that this CCUpdate.exe is the Emergency Updater introduced in CCleaner v5.36 for the installed (Standard and Slim) builds of CCleaner, but this Emergency Updater has never been included with CCleaner Portable. If you download the latest file for the Portable build from and unzip that file you will see that this .zip file does not include CCUpdate.exe.

For clarity, I have no objection if one of the Moderators wants to change the title of this thread to something like "Software Updater in CCleaner Portable v5.75 Is Adding Emergency Updater CCUpdate.exe". When I originally created my thread I wasn't really sure the scheduled CCleaner Update task in Task Scheduler had anything to do with the Emergency Updater.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v2004 build 19041.746 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0-1.0.1146 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

On 21/01/2021 at 17:27, lmacri said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		  I only noticed this problem with the addition of the Emergency Updater when <strong>I allowed the built-in software updater in v5.75 to update me to v5.76,</strong>

As I said above:

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		...  <strong><u><em>by using the updater</em></u></strong> you have installed regular CCleaner onto your USB stick.

The Portable is not meant to be updated through CCleaner itself because that will do an install, you have to update Portable yourself by downloading a new Portable zip each time there is a new version.

You <u>unzip</u>  a new Portable, you don't update/install it.

It's preciscely because you updated/installed from within CCleaner that you got the emergency updater, etc.

Instead you should have downloaded a new zip and then unzipped it to you USB stick. (To overwrite the old one).

To clear up what you have done by using the update from within CCleaner you will now need to uninstall CCleaner, (clear the registry of anything CCleaner related), and then download a new Portable zip and unzip it to your USB stick.


The new Automatic Updater will inform you that there is an update available, and even Automatically Update, <u>unless you turn those options off</u>.

It will do that even in the Portable, because Portable is exactly the same as the standard CCleaner, just not installed.

There again the Portable is meant for Advanced users, who should know about that and know to turn those options off in the Portable.

TBH CCleaner Portable is mainly intended for use on machines that don't have an internet connection so can't downlaod CCleaner, such machines wouldn't be able to update anyway.

1 hour ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		...The Portable is not meant to be updated <em>through CCleaner itself</em> because that will do an install, you have to update Portable yourself by downloading a new Portable zip each time there is a new version...

Hi nukecad:

Has @Dave CCleaner or one other Avast / Piriform employees confirmed that CCleaner Portable is not meant to be updated using the built-in software updater? The release notes <here> for v5.74.8198 (released 11-Nov-2020) say "Updates to CCleaner will now be applied automatically in CCleaner Free" but I've never seen a warning anywhere that using the built-in software updater will corrupt CCleaner Free Portable by adding the Emergency Updater. I know many CCleaner Free users who switched from the installed Standard/Slim builds to the Portable build when the Emergency Updater was introduced in v5.36 in October 2017 and I'm sure there are even a few "advanced" users who didn't realize what would happen if they clicked "Update Now " when the new built-in software updater prompted them to update to v5.76.8269.

I have no problem continuing to update my CCleaner Portable by unzipping the files and manually replacing older file versions, but perhaps Avast / Piriform needs to change something so that Portable CCleaner users who have the portable.dat file in the same folder as as CCleaner.exe and/or CCleaner64.exe files either can't update automatically or can't add the Emergency Updater (i.e., can't download CCUpdate.exe and add the the CCleaner Update task in Task Scheduler). Perhaps the time has comes so that the CCleaner.exe and CCleaner64.exe files inside are modified (i.e., are slightly different from the executables in the Standard and Slim builds) so that the built-in software updater isn't included in the CCleaner Portable executables.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v2004 build 19041.746 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0-1.0.1146 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

2 hours ago, lmacri said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Hi nukecad:

		Has <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/84188-dave-ccleaner/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="84188" href="<___base_url___>/profile/84188-dave-ccleaner/" id="ips_uid_1287_12" rel="">@Dave CCleaner</a> or one  other Avast / Piriform employees confirmed that CCleaner Portable is not meant to be updated using the built-in software updater?  The release notes &lt;<a href="" rel="external" target="_blank">here</a>&gt; for v5.74.8198 (released 11-Nov-2020)  say <span style="font-weight:400;">"<em>Updates to CCleaner will now be applied automatically in CCleaner Free</em>" but I've never seen a warning anywhere that using the built-in software updater will corrupt CCleaner Free Portable by adding the Emergency Updater. </span>

No, and they shouldn't need to because that is the way that the Portable has always worked, even before the new update system.

And the change hasn't 'corrupted' CCleaner Portable in the slightest.

As I said Portable is exactly the same as CCleaner Free.

It isn't a 'special' version, it's the same programme just not installed. (So it doesn't put in the installation stuff like registry entries and the emergency updater).

To make changes specifically to apply only to a portable version would mean creating a whole new version.

Even before the new updater if you clicked 'Check for Updates' in Portable (as you might do with Free) and then accepted any update offered it would install CCleaner on that machine.

The only difference between what used to happen then and what happens now is that Automatic Updates have now been added to Free - So you have to be sure to turn them off if you are going to be using Portable on an internet connected machine.

In this case though it wasn't an Automatic Update - CCleaner Portable told you there was a newer version (because you hadn't unticked 'Notify me of updates') and then you told it to update, and so install, by clicking the 'Update Now' button.

Doing that would always have installed CCleaner, even before Automatic Updates for Free were introduced.

Again CCleaner Portable is primarily meant as an Admin/Advanced User tool so that you can use CCleaner on a machine that has no internet connection and can't download/install CCleaner; and with no internet connection Portable wouldn't/couldn't update anyway.

If you are going to use CCleaner Portable on an internet connected machine - which you might want to do when cleaning/repairing someone elses machine - then you have to careful not to update it or it will install - that has always been the case.

Fair enough, it does sometimes take any of us time to work how things are supposed to happen.

When we do then we don't make the same mistakes again, and hopefully pass our learning on.

Rather it's a bug, or intended behavior what I'd personally do is input that updater .exe file into CCleaner Portable's Include settings and have it kill it automatically whenever it gets added - but that wouldn't do anything for removing the Scheduled Task. Or craft a batch *.bat file and place it in the root of the USB flash drive that will delete it.

You can have both the emergency updater and the associated Scheduled Task set as Includes, I have them both as Includes in my installed CCleaner Pro to remove them following any update.

However that is not going to alter the fact that the Portable is simply CCleaner Free that hasn't been installed, and updating it from within CCleaner (rather than downloading and unzipping the new version) will install the new version.

If you don't update/install it then the emergency updater and task won't be there to remove anyway.

on my portable v5.75 is not a file "ccupdater..." also not with internetaccess and also is not create a task.

Thanks to the Forum Mods for their suggested workarounds, but I think we've already established that I can delete the unwanted Emergency Updater (i.e., the CCUpdate.exe file and scheduled CCleaner Update task) or just stay with my previous method of updating to a new version of CCleaner Portable by unzipping the file from and replacing all the older files except ccleaner.ini.

The reason I created this thread is because I wanted to know if Avast / Piriform is aware that the Emergency Updater is added to CCleaner Free Portable v5.76 when users update using the new built-in software updater (introduced in CCleaner Free v5.74 in Nov 2020) and what they plan to do about it. That is something only an Avast / Piriform employee can tell me.

If Avast did not intend to add the Emergency Updater to CCleaner Free Portable when the built-in software updater is run then this problem should be fixed. If that means tweaking, disabling or completely removing the built-in software updater from the Portable build then I'm fine with that.

If Avast did intend to add the Emergency Updater to CCleaner Free Portable when the built-in software updater is run then I would appreciate if someone from Avast / Piriform could explain why they believe it's necessary to trigger the scheduled CCleaner Update task every 12 hours (and at every boot-up). Most CCleaner Free Portable users run CCleaner from a removable USB stick, and the CCleaner Update task will repeatedly fail when that USB stick is unplugged and the Emergency Updater (CCUpdate.exe) cannot be located.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v2004 build 19041.746 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0-1.0.1146 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

Fair enough I am a moderator and not an employee; but an employee can't tell you any differently.

Again - this is the way that CCleaner (even the portable) is intended to work when you install it by updating from within CCleaner itself, - it is not a bug.

If you want to use the uninstalled Portable as an advanced user then never update it from within CCleaner itself.

If you are an advanced user you should already know that.

Sorry, but I don't know how to say it any clearer - don't update from within CCleaner if you don't want it to be installed.

7 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		...If you want to use the <em><u>uninstalled</u></em> Portable as an advanced user then never update it from within CCleaner itself. If you are an advanced user you should already know that...

HI nukecad:

How would I know that? The built-in automatic updater was just added to CCleaner Free products in v5.74 (rel. Nov 2020 per the version history <here> which states "Updates to CCleaner will now be applied automatically in CCleaner Free") and I'd never seen the pop-up below until I plugged in my USB stick on 14-Jan-2021 and launched CCleaner Portable v5.75 by double-clicking CCleaner64.exe. I clicked the "Update Now" button because this was the first time I'd ever seen that prompt and was curious to see if the automatic updater would work correctly (which it didn't - something I've tried to report repeatedly in this thread without success).


I don't know if it's relevant, but I never used CCleaner Portable v5.74 because there were multiple bugs reported for that version, and I skipped from v5.73 (rel. 26-Oct-2020) to v5.75 (rel. 10-Dec-2020) (note that I unzipped on 11-Dec-2020 in a new folder on my USB stick and started with a fresh ccleaner.ini file). That might be the reason why I've never seen this prompt before.

If there is a feature that doesn't work correctly in a software product then it should be fixed by the software developers. You don't blame the customer for clicking on a button or choosing a configuration setting that should never appear in the user interface in first place if it's going to cause problems. At least that's what I was taught when I studied system analysis and design and software programming at college. This is a software design issue and has nothing to do with the technical expertise of the user.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v2004 build 19041.746 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0-1.0.1146 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

Portable programs that can auto-update or even notify is in a very grey area, most don't bother because it's an offense that more-or-less breaks the rules of being "portable". It's also a big no-no if a portable creates anything in C:\AppData or C:\ProgramData or the registry (unless it reliably auto-deletes the registry data it creates when exiting). So creating a Scheduled Task would put CC "Portable" on the list of doing a big no-no. Edit: Sometimes program developers seem to confuse Portable vs Standalone.

I solely use portable programs if one is available and have a small handful that can notify there's an updated version (usually that's a no-no), I always turn that off in them if it's enabled. The one exception is Firefox Portable ESR, I like that it can update itself instead of waiting for to release an .exe file that's near 100mb, and it's a significantly smaller download.

6 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Portable programs that can auto-update or even notify is in a very grey area, most don't bother because it's an offense that more-or-less breaks the rules of being "portable". It's also a big no-no if a portable creates anything in C:\AppData or C:\ProgramData or the registry <em>(unless it reliably auto-deletes the registry data it creates when exiting). S</em>o creating a Scheduled Task would put CC "Portable" on the list of doing a big no-no. <em>...</em>

		I solely use portable programs if one is available and have a small handful that can notify there's an updated version (usually that's a no-no), I always turn that off in them if it's enabled...

Hi Andavari:

Thanks for you feedback, and I completely agree. Given that I always download my files from the official CCleaner builds page at, I'd still like to see the Avast / Piriform software developers modify the executables inside the official portable .zip build to remove the new built-in software updater - or at least prevent addition of the Emergency Updater‌ if the new software updater is accidentally (or even deliberately) run from CCleaner Portable.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see if Avast / Piriform is willing to make this change.

11 hours ago, lmacri said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		... (<em>note that I unzipped on 11-Dec-2020 in a new folder on my USB stick and started with a fresh ccleaner.ini file)</em>. That might be the reason why I've never seen this prompt before....

I noted <above> on 21-Jan-2021 that "my settings at Options | Updates to 'Keep CCleaner updated automatically' and 'Send notifications when there is a new version of CCleaner' are normally disabled") and I thought I had disabled all the settings at Options | Updates and Options | Privacy after creating the fresh ccleaner.ini file for CCleaner Portable v5.75, but I obviously missed disabling "Send notifications when there is a new version of CCleaner". That setting has been disable now and I'm hoping I won't see the pop-up notification offering an update the next time a new version of CCleaner is released.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v2004 build 19041.746 * Firefox v84.0.2 * Windows Defender v4.18.2011.6 * Malwarebytes Free v4.3.0-1.0.1146 * CCleaner Free Portable v5.76.8269

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>