Hello! Every time I use CCleaner (not the registry cleaner), it erases my Microsoft account log in. I then get the message in Action Center to log back into my MS account for the machine's backup and Store functions. How can I make CCleaner avoid erasing this info? When I just run "Analyze" and click on each item, nothing jumps out at me as the stored credential. I do not delete Memory Dumps, ChkDsk files or Windows Log Files, nor do I run the registry cleaner.
Hi Wicked Girl.
Are you keeping any cookies by using CCleaners "Cookies To Keep" feature? As far as I'm aware Microsoft login details are usually kept in a cookie named "login.live.com".
After logging in to your account, close the browser and run CCleaner. Have a look in "CCleaner/Options/Cookies" and see if "login.live.com" is sitting in the "Cookies to delete" window.
If it is, move it across to the "Cookies to keep" window. Job done hopefully.
If the above doesn't happen, then we'll go to plan B.
Uncheck network passwords
I have double-checked the login.live.com cookie listing. That is and always has been sitting in cookies to keep. I will re-check the network passwords setting. However, if this is the problem, this should be changed in CCleaner. I do not want to keep network passwords, and the Windows account login should not be included in that cleaning setting IMHO.
OK, unchecking the "network passwords" option for the cleaning cycle did not preserve the MS account credentials. Surely someone here knows what to exclude to prevent this issue? This has not been a problem with all versions of CCleaner BTW.
Please provide screenshots of both the system and app tabs of ccleaner so we know what you have checked off. I cannot recreate this thus far (I also use a linked ms account for my windows 8)
Please provide screenshots of both the system and app tabs of ccleaner so we know what you have checked off. I cannot recreate this thus far (I also use a linked ms account for my windows 8)
Nergal, I will get the screenshots, but I have nowhere to host them. If I upload them here, will you see them? I am not a multimedia literate person at all. I never share photos, music, etc.
Also, do you have Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. There are some fundamental differences about how files are linked within Windows.
Yes, if you go to full reply there's a section for attachments
Or alternatively follow
Whoops! Well I don't see an option to upload the pics. Just one to share hosted pics. Let me get a list together of what is checked for you.
Checked off under Windows tab:
Internet Explorer
Temp Internet Files
Recently typed URLs
Index.dat files
Last download location
Autocomplete Form History
Saved Passwords
Windows Explorer
Recent documents
Run (in Start Menu)
Other Explorer MRUs
Thumbnail Cache
Taskbar Jump Lists
Empty Recycle Bin
Temporary Files
Old Prefetch Data
Checked off under Applications tab:
Internet Cache
Internet History
Download History
Saved form information
Saved passwords
Compact databases
Windows Store
Bing Finance
Bing Maps
Bing News
Bing Sports
Bing Travel
Skype Metro App
Adobe Flash Player
Windows media player
NVIDIA Install files
Windows Defender
MS Management Console
MS Search
MS Wordpad
Sorry, no pics. Your link to instructions does not seem to realize that the only options in the full reply are to provide a link to hosted pics, or to select My Media, which then does not recognize anything on my PC.
Try unticking saved passwords under internet explorer.
The development team reads all threads, so if this is the issue I'm sure they'll look into it.
It maybe index.dat as well,I don't have that checked off. Do you sign in to the pc as your Microsoft account, or do you use separate accounts?
For more information on that
I will try that Nergal. Thanks for the extra help!
Just to follow up here....trying all the suggestions made did NOT fix this problem. Using CCleaner in any way so far deletes the Windows account log in. I do not meant the system password either. I mean the Live log-in needed to run the account if you use an Outlook/OneDrive connected Windows account rather than just having your Windows account as a local account. Any fix to this yet?
I've moved this topic into the bug reporting section since all tried suggestions didn't work.