How do I reinstall CCleaner Pro?

A few days ago I upgraded from Win7 to Win10. The Win10 is just terrible, so I reverted back to Win7. The process was quick and easy. However, my reinstalled Windows Live Mail is really buggy now. Many Inbox messages are duplicated, with one of the now two "identical" (duplicated) email messages resulting in an error message, and these cannot be moved or deleted (always get an error message when trying). I can't send or reply to an email - get error messages. Opening more than two or three pages at a time on the MS browser results in error messages. Both of these programs go into a vicious cycle of rebooting & error messages.

Unless I jump ship and go with Apple, I don't see any other option than to reinstall my complete system. I've never done that before. I'm sure it's a gigantic PITA. How do I reinstall CC Pro without paying again for it?

In addition to any advice about that, if you know how I can de-bug my PC problems since reverting back to Win7, I'd appreciate that also. Thanks.

Reinstalling CC Pro should be just the same process as it was the first time around.

If it gives you grief, since you are Pro, use Piriform Support for advice with the license.

Personally, I don't see how changing to Apple is any benefit. You'd just be swapping one set of problems for another.

With WLM, sounds like the mail store folder or the database files themselves are buggered.

The default location is C:\Users\[you]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail, so maybe one thing to try is to rename that folder, that way WLM should re-create a new one.

Of course you'll have to redo your email accounts but as a proof of concept, it makes a logical starting point with your issue.

Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure, exactly, what you mean when you say, "'ll have to redo your email accounts...." What, exactly, is lost? Only the contacts list? (Well, read below, you may not need to answer....) (OK, you must mean the server parameters for communicating via my cable provider.)

I do receive all messages without problem, as I always have. However, every message in every folder has been duplicated upon reverting from Win10 to Win7; all messages in that entire data base of folders were duplicated if they existed at the time of reversion to Win7. Messages received or saved after reversion are single/normal, and are not duplicated now when WLM reopens or accesses the WLM data. One of the two emails is often defective, in that it can’t be deleted or moved (get an error message).

I'd like to list what happens; perhaps there is something here to lend more clues as to what is going on.

Open WLM 2011, and see:

-- (re: the message in the inbox that is highlighted/selected) "WLM did not shut down correctly." Option in preview pane to "click" link to view the message anyway; this works.

My main problem(s) --- cannot send any email message whatsoever:

Upon “clicking” on any link that will allow me to SEND an email, I get “WLM has stopped working” within the blank email page: (new) Email, Reply, Forward. After this, the WLM either closes & reopens on its own or I have to “click” the Cancel button. Sometimes (but not always) I get a preliminary message as WLM opens: “Recovering Data Base” or something like that. I reviewed my email account attributes, but saw nothing wrong, e.g., SMTP, but since I can't even begin to type a message, let alone send one, I'm sure this setup/settings are not the problem.

Not being able to send an email is really frustrating. Fortunately, my wife’s Apple iPad has had my email account set up on it and this is how I am dealing with emails until I fix this problem.

ANYWAY, I’ve had my current computer about three years, and I’m about to save all my data, downloaded programs, etc., on an external HDD, and reformat the C drive; using HP’s D drive to “rescue” my computer by reinstalling everything. There would be a lot of downloading of updates, but this should get rid of problems and garbage. This may be the ultimate fix, wouldn't it? Thanks again for your reply, and for reading this lengthy post, if you’ve gotten this far.

it sounds like going back to Win7 from Win10 has not gone well for WLM, it has somehow known all the emails that were there and got them, but also re-got them hence the dups.

it is also throwning up errors.

you probably only need to reload WLM but what you are seeing may also only be the tip of the iceberg, and I personally, would be doing a 'nuke from space' approach as you have suggested as it would be the "ultimate fix".

Thanks. I'll probably do this next week.

BTW, you stated, "you probably only need to reload WLM...." I've read that installing Windows Live Essentials 2012 is recommended, of which WLM is one of the components. My WLM is "2011". Do I have an outdated WLM version (2011) or is (was) WLM 2011 carried over as the current version of WLM in that Live Essentials 2012 package of programs? I cannot find an answer to this question.

I don't use WLM often enough to verify your question, except to add that Yes, WLM is part of Live Essentials, and Yes, there is the 2012 version, but as to whether MS released a new version of WLM between the two I can't say.

I do recall a couple of months ago trolling through the MS Download Centre and finding a link to just get WLM itself (I think the 2011 version).

It all depended on what you search for, Live Essentials, or Live Mail and I think it even came down to adding 32 or 64 bit to the search string, or it may have been the year 2011 or 2012.

At the time I simple had to get any version of WLM to install in order to retrieve an old Outlook Express mail system on a Win7 PC.

Good luck with the rebuild.

* email address removed to avoid member being spammed.