how do i keep my google toolbar preferences?

my only problem with Ccleaner is that it removes my google toolbar preferences (IE) everytime i clean...

specifically, after using Ccleaner, i have to adjust the image filter for my google toolbar!

how can i avoid this?

the reason i am using IE is that i am forced to use dialup and, unfortunately, IE runs faster than the fox!


Hello, and welcome to the CCleaner Forum!

When you click on the CCleaner Applications tab, section Internet, do you have all instances of Google Toolbar unchecked?

P.S. You don't need to apologize for using Internet Explorer :rolleyes: some of my best friends are using it... B)

Hello, and welcome to the CCleaner Forum!

When you click on the CCleaner Applications tab, section Internet, do you have all instances of Google Toolbar unchecked?

Why do you ask about the G/T/B instances being ticked, PW?

Why do you ask about the G/T/B instances being ticked, PW?

Because they said their Google toolbar preferences were being cleared :huh:

... i have to adjust the image filter for my google toolbar!

I believe that's in the cookie <username>@google[n].txt. This is problematic because, if you change your preference, it toggles back and forth between [1] and [2].