After running " Analyze" do I have the option to deselect what I don't want deleted before choosing "Run Cleaner" ? or what should I do?
After running " Analyze" do I have the option to deselect what I don't want deleted before choosing "Run Cleaner" ? or what should I do?
You can deselect items by unchecking the boxes on the Left.
I think the question was about the Cleaner, not registry issues. There is, unfortunately, currently no option to delselect items from the analyzed list.
However I think this is an excellent suggestion for a future version of Ccleaner. Have a checkbox on the left of each item (checked by default), and let the user deselect anything s/he wants to keep.
On the other hand this list can be very long, especially when running Ccleaner for the first time. Maybe Analyze could run in two modes: Analyze with Checkboxes, and Analyze without Checkboxes.