Every time I open Spybot S&D I get this Error message even though updates and scans work fine. I suspect there is something in MSCONFIG where I can disable it, however, I wasn't able to find it.
Every time I open Spybot S&D I get this Error message even though updates and scans work fine. I suspect there is something in MSCONFIG where I can disable it, however, I wasn't able to find it.
Did you try reinstalling it like the message said to? Perhaps some other app accidently removed this file. Even though your scanning and updating seem to work, other parts of Spybot S & D may cease to work properly, such as the TeaTimer or the SDHelper.
Also, I would highly doubt that you can fix this with MSCONFIG. Were you referring to the Startup tab entries? If so, the only reason Spybot would have one listed is if:
1. You have the TeaTimer turned on
2. If you ran a scan where Spybot couldn't remove anything, and you need to restart so that it can scan again on startup
In both cases, you would not want to turn these off via MSCONFIG anyway. You can turn off the TeaTimer in Spybot, and if you have a scan set for startup, you definitely don't want to disable that!
Let me know what happens after reinstalling Spybot S & D.
lokoike, I reinstalled that several times a long time ago and the message never went away. Years ago, with Win 98, I kept getting an error message and I found this list in msconfig and unchecked something and it went away. I thought there might be something like that now. I'll try installing that file again and see what happens. It's available all over the net. thanks!
I fixed it! Ran "%systemroot%\system32\wbem" and copied the file to the SB S&D folder!