how do I delete the files "to be deleted"

I run the cleaner. A list of files shows up. Most files seem to have been deleted. A couple of files read to be deleted. I can't figure out how to delete these. I have looked at the help, no help. One file that shows up is associated with a problem.

Please help me delete these files.

Firstly what operating system are you using?

Which version of CCleaner?

Are you saying that you do ''analyse'' then ''run cleaner'' but there are still some files left?

What is the file that is giving you problems? (with it's path if possible)

I run the cleaner. A list of files shows up. Most files seem to have been deleted. A couple of files read to be deleted. I can't figure out how to delete these. I have looked at the help, no help. One file that shows up is associated with a problem.

Please help me delete these files.

Hello hechto.

I believe that these files are index.dat files and are in use by Windows so can not be deleted but will be re-created by Windows during a reboot.

I think YoKenny's correct, however will Original Poster please tell us the names of the "files to be deleted" and that s/he has pressed the clean button, and not just the Analysis, so we can confirm this