How Do I Clear List of Cookies?

Hello, I would like to clear my list of cookies from the options panel. To be more specific, I am talking about the cookies in the "Cookies to Delete" list that I can get to by clicking Options > Cookies. I am using the current release of CCleaner, v2.07.575. Any thoughts? Thank you.

Hello, I would like to clear my list of cookies from the options panel. To be more specific, I am talking about the cookies in the "Cookies to Delete" list that I can get to by clicking Options > Cookies. I am using the current release of CCleaner, v2.07.575. Any thoughts? Thank you.

Well in Options\Cookies all the files listed in "Cookies to Delete" will be deleted if the Internet Explorer\Cookies is ticked. Well its just worked for me I've just done it, now the list is empty. ;)

You haven't said which Windows version and SP you are using. Also which Web Browser.