How do I add a browser ?

How do I add a browser to ccleaner that it doesn't already recognize?

First are you sure that it isn't supported? Which browser are we talking about?

Non-Microsoft browsers that CCeaner can clean as standard are listed in Custom Clean under the Applications tab, if you have them installed.

Of course there are lots of browser out there and not all are included as standard.

You would need to add it to Custom Clean using the community supported 'winapp2.ini' add-on, - always assuming that it's one of the browsers that winapp2 cleans. If we knew what it was someone could tell you.

(Health Check cannot be modifed).

You can find more about winapp2 here:

oops, sorry about that nukecad; I'd like to add waterfox. Thanks. Will the app you mention work on a Win10 PC, 64 bit?

It isn't an app; it's a settings file that can be used to add cleaning rules to CCleaner.

It tells Custom Clean how to clean many apps that are not included as standard.

And yes, it does include rules to clean Waterfox and adds it to the CCleaner Custom Clean menu.

You should read the information on the winapp2 forum here and on github to get it set up for you computer. It isn't difficult.

But it contains rules for cleaning hundreds of apps, most of which you won't have. So it needs to be 'cut down' to only include what you need or it will be slowing CCleaner down looking to clean things you don't have. Don't worry there is a tool that can do that for you automatically.