How can I verify that CCleaner is working as it should
more specificity please I don't understand what you are asking
I understand that CCleaner will delete specified files e.g. IE temporary files so that they cannot be recovered. Also it will clean the free disc space so that any remenants of previously deleted files cannot be recovered.
Please tell me if there is a way that I can verify that this is being done.
After running CCleaner run Recuva to see if you can resurrect anything.
Thank you Kroozer. I tried Recuva and it came back with masses of files. I was able to recover some. This is after running CCleaner. I used CCleaner again in a three pass overwrite but after running recova I still see a lot of jpeg files but it states that "no preview is available". I"m still not sure if these files are recoverable after using CCleaner.
. . . no preview is available . . .
That means they are too messed up/unusable. And many files will show as Excellent but I never believe it cos they are damaged, text is garbled, you gotta hunt for an application, etc.
You can have Recuva right-click and overwrite individual or a group of files. In List view you can sort the files by clicking the heading State, right-click and overwrite.
Set the overwrite passes in Options\ General\ Advanced\ Secure overwriting. I use only 1-pass . . 3-passes don't overwrite much better, takes 3 times longer.
Sometimes Recuva can't overwrite but not to worry, just leave 'em and soon they'll be overwritten by routine computer use.