howdy y'all,
right now, i am using the custom files and folders option.
- cleaner/windows/advanced/custom files and folders
- options/include/folders = itunes-drive-and-folder\*.tmp
this gets rid of the annoying hundred meg itunes library temp files that the silly program leaves behind every once in a while. yes, my itunes library is kinda large ... [*blush*]
anyway, two qs ....
[1] is this the right way to do it?
[2] will itunes be added to the cleaner/applications tab any time soon?
take care,
Hi Lee, and welcome to the forum.
Where are you finding those temp files? I have iTunes for my daughters Nano, and to be honest I've never looked for temp files.
What you're doing sounds fine by the way, and with iTunes being on a lot of PC's, and the fact that you've raised the point, it could well be included in some future release.
Hi Lee, and welcome to the forum.
Where are you finding those temp files? I have iTunes for my daughters Nano, and to be honest I've never looked for temp files.
What you're doing sounds fine by the way, and with iTunes being on a lot of PC's, and the fact that you've raised the point, it could well be included in some future release.
howdy DennisD,
the files are at ...
D:\Data\My Documents\My Music\iTunes
please note that i have the "my documents" folder in a non-standard location. [*grin*] the system still finds it - as did the itunes installer - so it gets used just as if it was still at %appdata% instead of in the d:\data folder.
itunes keeps the library XML files there and that's what the *.tmp files are coming from. itunes also puts the mobile apps and the album art off that folder.
i hope that ccleaner _does_ eventually add direct support for itunes cleanup.
/lee crosses all eight fingers and both thumbs
take care,
Thanks Lee, I thought they might be in some obscure location, but I don't really have anything worth cleaning in there. Mind you my daughters iTunes library isn't too big at the moment.
Thanks Lee, I thought they might be in some obscure location, but I don't really have anything worth cleaning in there. Mind you my daughters iTunes library isn't too big at the moment.
howdy DennisD,
i've 53,495 songs in itunes right now and about another 10k or so to be ripped in my cd collection. the actual "iTunes Music Library.xml" file is 126 megs and i suspect that itunes has an occasional hiccup when i add new songs or when i update the tags. it seems to be about once every coupla months that i find a 50 to 100 meg TMP file in that folder. if my problem is not common - and from your comments it seems it aint - then i can see a LONG wait before itunes is added to the standard ap coverage.
thanks for the feedback! [*grin*]
take care,