and others junk files? I remember that sometime ago I've used another cleaner program that has in the "Clean list" several file extensions of junk files not only .tmp and .log.These extra extensions I don't see in the list of files do be deleted after "analyze" of CC
In the partition C:\ I want to delete all the .tmp files present on this partition.
With CCleaner only Junk-Files within the Windows-Directionary are deleted. CCleaner doesn?t mess with the whole C:\ Partition. You?ll need a separate Program for an Overall-Cleaning.
You can take advantage of Regseeker (Freeware - doesn?t need any installation / *.zip).
Anyway beware of some *.txt and *.log files before deleting. Log?s are sometimes used by Firewalls and Txt?s can contain Filter-Definitions for Local Proxies. Watch for the Prompt-Out before Final Deletion.
Anyway beware of some *.txt and *.log files before deleting. Log?s are sometimes used by Firewalls and Txt?s can contain Filter-Definitions for Local Proxies. Watch for the Prompt-Out before Final Deletion.
Oliver - would you say it is safer (in general) to use RegSeeker for this type of cleaning if you remove the *.txt and *.log from the initial list you posted?
Oliver - would you say it is safer (in general) to use RegSeeker for this type of cleaning if you remove the *.txt and *.log from the initial list you posted?
Yes - not safer but more practical, concerning the cleaning of Junk-Files (whatever you define as Junk) aswell as the cleaning of Registry-Errors. CCleaner and Regseeker can complement one another quite well.
Andavari is right - leave the TXT?s and LOG?s out, as long as you?re not sure what to do with them. The proposal above referred to an "agressive" cleaning, where most of the TXT?s on an average User-System can turn out being unused, unread and therefore are redundant.