... has anyone else been experiencing this of late? I am able to access Hotmail only through IE9, the other browsers come up with a blank page or error message and it's really annoying, as I don't use IE that much usually!
The webpage successfully loads buts that's all the further I can go because I don't have a Hotmail account.
What other web browser are you using??
Do you have any add-ons that block ads or scripts??
Richard S.
wxp home here. just signed to hotmail in through Opera browser portable and Firefox portable, all OK. fwiw. :-)
I get this from Chrome:
Server error
An invalid response was received while attempting to load http://sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com/default.aspx. The server may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this web page later.
HTTP Error 502 (Bad Gateway): The gateway or proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
Firefox and Safari give me a blank page, hitting refresh or highlighting the address returns the same blank page.
Opera gives me this:
HTTP gateway failed
Check that the address is spelled correctly, or try searching for the site.
No ad-blockers or anything remotely related whatsoever.
Maybe some issue with your ISP or modem. One thing to try is reboot your modem, or turn it off then back on and see if that helps.
Just signed in with Blackhawk browser, it is sort of Chrome-ish. It froze once, at the first screen. Closed it, restarted, logged in OK.
Edit: no HIPS, no site blocker software here...maybe thats it?
I got this trouble myself, I figure, you need to turn all the online software to stop using the net and then log in to hotmail,I even got a problem with IE to work with hotmail a few times.
I'm going to have to "call an audible" here. Plushzilla, that is atrocious advise. NOBODY should do anything like that EVER! Please, you're new here so, i'll just give you a verbal warning, we do not give other members advice that would place their computers in jeopardy. Please have a little more thought in your words.I'm sure we as a community can find a better answer/explanation than, "sometimes you need to turn off your security"
That's said
I'm going to have to "call an audible" here. ...
Good call, coach.
edit: @ spelbynder, fwiw, I just installed the latest chrome from Filehippo, went to hotmail just as it should have. Don't have a clue what to do to help. Have you tried a portable version of any of those other browsers?
Hear hear Nergal!
One of my facebook friends suggested it was an error with MSN in Sydney which would be fixed soon... but it ain't!
Haven't tried the portable way yet...
... has anyone else been experiencing this of late? I am able to access Hotmail only through IE9, the other browsers come up with a blank page or error message and it's really annoying, as I don't use IE that much usually!
Things to try:
- Post your error messages so we can know more about what is causing it
- Run CCleaner & retry access (sometimes cookies/temp files can cause problems. Sure, it's not often, but it can happen!)
- Uninstall old versions of web browsers, then try Firefox/Chrome/Opera/Safari. I would try, say, Firefox first, see if it can connect, then if that fails, uninstall it & try Chrome, etc.
- Google another version of the hotmail page. For instance, if your in australia, you may be able to login using the USA, Philippines, or some other international version of the page.
- Check your internet settings. While this happens a lot under Internet Explorer 8, not sure if it does under 9... Tools/Internet Options/Connections/Lan & uncheck use proxy server. Also, might be a good idea to check your connections under the other browser as well. If IE got set to use proxy server, sometimes firefox will pick up that setting as well when it attempts to connect. So go to Options/Advanced/Network/Settings button, & checkmark No Proxy & hit ok.
It was nothing to do with whatever anyone mentioned here... Microsoft went and changed the "user sign-in experience" or somesuch thing, but now they've switched back to the "old" way to sign in - no one here knew about this?