My first post about this seems to have disappeared.
So I am posting it again this time with a picture---
What happened to my hotfixes?
Are they gone???
My first post about this seems to have disappeared.
So I am posting it again this time with a picture---
What happened to my hotfixes?
Are they gone???
Your Hot Fixes aren't gone. They are just permanently installed. What you checked was to have the UN-installers removed...IE the hot fixes cannot be backed-off any longer. The advanced options are NOT automatically selected because some might not want their effect. Removing the hot fix uninstallers saves a lot of space because all of the replaced files are stored there. You can always reinstall the OS over itself and start all over again--reinstall all of the fixes. Then you could uninstall any individual fix at will...but why would you want to?
Your Hot Fixes aren't gone. They are just permanently installed. What you checked was to have the UN-installers removed...IE the hot fixes cannot be backed-off any longer. The advanced options are NOT automatically selected because some might not want their effect. Removing the hot fix uninstallers saves a lot of space because all of the replaced files are stored there. You can always reinstall the OS over itself and start all over again--reinstall all of the fixes. Then you could uninstall any individual fix at will...but why would you want to?
I was just wondering since the hotfixes did not show up in the Add/Remove Programs Window anymore.
Before I used the hotfix uninstaller remover the hotfixes appeared there.
It is good to know I still have them.
The uninstallers were 394 MBs.
I don't intend to uninstall the hot fixes.
That is why I got rid of the hotfix uninstallers.
There should be a help file telling people that the hotfixes will no longer appear in the Add/Remove window,but they are still installed,so as not to worry people.
I hate to burst your bubble, but the hotfixes should show up in add/remove programs.
I just ran CCleaner (I ticked hotfix uninstaller), and my hotfixes are still listed in add/remove programs. You should uninstall/reinstall, download either the slim or basic version. Something is funky.
I hate to burst your bubble, but the hotfixes should show up in add/remove programs.
I just ran CCleaner (I ticked hotfix uninstaller), and my hotfixes are still listed in add/remove programs. You should uninstall/reinstall, download either the slim or basic version. Something is funky.
All reference to mine have gone as well. Tried to update from MS site but it says my PC is up to date. So guess it has only removed their references not the programs
All reference to mine have gone as well. Tried to update from MS site but it says my PC is up to date. So guess it has only removed their references not the programs
Does it say that you're up to date because those installations are recorded in your update history?
There is a bug in the "hotfix uninstaller". You should not use that option.
(I thought that it was fixed, but it isn't.)
Does it say that you're up to date because those installations are recorded in your update history?
There is a bug in the "hotfix uninstaller". You should not use that option.
(I thought that it was fixed, but it isn't.)
Am following that post as well. I am more than dissapointed that MrG has not responded other than to say he'll fix it in the next issue. There are still no warnings on the download site either. This is not good MrG
I wonder... what should happen if you totally clean/clear the WindowsUpdate.log. It's just a log. Right?
If it just logs the things Windows Update has done, downloaded, etc, it's pretty useless if you let it grow to several MB.
For anyone wondering if they're hotfixes are actually installed correctly visit Microsoft Update and click the link Review your update history. Anything with a or
on it should be re-downloaded and re-installed. BTW that's the only way you'll find out if you're missing a hotfix when Microsoft Update doesn't detect them.
Does it say that you're up to date because those installations are recorded in your update history?
There is a bug in the "hotfix uninstaller". You should not use that option.
(I thought that it was fixed, but it isn't.)
Well,I installed THIS PROGRAM and it shows all the hotfixes are still installed.
Click here to see screenshot of hotfixes found by the program
I installed 2 new hotfixes Friday,March 3.
They show up in Add/Remove window.
Click here to see the new hotfixes in Add/Remove window
Yes,it seems there is a bug in CCleaner.
I hate to burst your bubble, but the hotfixes should show up in add/remove programs.
I just ran CCleaner (I ticked hotfix uninstaller), and my hotfixes are still listed in add/remove programs. You should uninstall/reinstall, download either the slim or basic version. Something is funky.
If you run an Issues scan after removing your Hotfix uninstallers, and remove all of the listed entries, the Hotfixes will no longer be listed in Add/Remove Programs, because they can no longer be removed.
@ K: After running the cleaner function with Hotfix box checked, scan for registry issues and remove the ones related to your Hotfixes and see if they are still listed in Add/Remove Programs. They shouldn't be.
If you run an Issues scan after removing your Hotfix uninstallers, and remove all of the listed entries, the Hotfixes will no longer be listed in Add/Remove Programs, because they can no longer be removed.
@ K: After running the cleaner function with Hotfix box checked, scan for registry issues and remove the ones related to your Hotfixes and see if they are still listed in Add/Remove Programs. They shouldn't be.
How do you know that?
I manually deleted the uninstall folders on another computer, and rebooted. After that they were still listed in the add/remove programs list (without the option to uninstall). They were still listed. Once the the $hf_mig$ folder is gone they are no longer there.
I will test a second time to confirm.
How do you know that?
I manually deleted the uninstall folders on another computer, and rebooted. After that they were still listed in the add/remove programs list (without the option to uninstall). They were still listed. Once the the $hf_mig$ folder is gone they are no longer there.
I will test a second time to confirm.
Sorry, I didn't clarify:
I'm referring to the registry entries. Even if you remove the physical uninstaller files, the registry entries will remain until you run an Issues scan. If you haven't run an Issues scan, even though the files are gone, the Add or Remove Programs entries in the registry are still there, and they will still show up as present, even if they aren't. Here are some screenshots to explain this:
1. After the Hotfix uninstallers have been removed by CCleaner:
2. Entries found by CCleaner after removing the Hotfix uninstallers:
3. Add or Remove Programs no longer lists those Hotfixes after removing those 3 issues in CCleaner:
Yep! After cleaning out the registry the updates are gone from the add/remove programs.
Just rechecked. Thanks lokoike.
Yep! After cleaning out the registry the updates are gone from the add/remove programs.
Just rechecked. Thanks lokoike.
No problem. That's why they pay me the big bucks.