Hotfix, Security, OS Updates no longer listed

Hotfix, Security, OS Updates no longer listed. CCleaner under Tools, Uninstall, Programs to remove :angry::angry:


Windows XP Pro SP2 all updates and hotfixes applied

Last Microsoft Security Update: January 8, 2008

Last complete listing of CCleaner Tools\Uninstall Programs to Remove: January 10, 2008

Last CCleaner program update: Ver file date January 17, 2008 installed January 18, 2008.

CCleaner Configuration (see the attached ini file content)

Cleaner\Windows: Hotfix Uninstallers is NOT checked

Cleaner\Applications: ALL of the items are checked

Registry\Registry Integrity: ALL of the items are checked

Note that these settings have been in effect for over a year without issues.


The Windows Add and Remove Programs listing and CCleaner's Tools\Uninstall, Programs to Remove listing are usually a mirror of one another. On January 28, 2008 I noticed both listings were abbreviated and both were missing the Hotfixs, Security updates and OS updates for Windows Media, XP, IE7.

Restoration of the CCleaner registry backup from the last cleaning on January 10, 2008 did not restore these hotfix and update listings.

It's possible Microsoft slipped in an undocumented automatic update (certainly none were documented in Windows Update) but more likely is the new version of CCleaner as that's the only update made between the last known good configuration and the current state.

I do tech work for a living and pay close attention to my system. Would appreciate MrG taking a serious look at this. Let me know if you need the winapp, winreg and winsys.ini files submitted. It's not a critical issue since the updates are installed and can't be uninstalled without damaging the system anyway. All the original uninstall folders and contents are intact in C:\Windows.

I'll look into this for you. :)