I've had this issue once before, and it was fixed with the last update. However, no updates that I'm aware of have been made available, yet using CCleaner is wiping out my Chrome settings. Can someone please fix this so that it NEVER happens again?! So frustrating!!!!!!!!
Can you post your windows version, ccleaner version, and chrome version?
Windows 7
CCleaner 4.00.4064
Not sure what the latest version of Chrome is because it updates itself automatically.
Also, there are problems with posting here. Whenever I make a mistake and need to use backspace, it goes back up the previous line and starts erasing characters I don't want erased, and changes the font size to a much smaller size. It took me at least 2 or 3 edits to get that previous post right.
As for what's being deleted, my extensions, as well as my homepage settings, were what got deleted when I used CCleaner.
Found the Chrome version:
Please uncheck all the entries under Chrome in the Applications tab under CCleaner, then run them one at a time, closing and opening Chrome in between each run to check if your settings were reset.
It happened after I cleaned Internet History. It should be noted this was NEVER an issue, even without signing in with a Google profile, before tonight or the last time this bug reared its ugly head. And now the home page button is missing, along with the favorites button!
sadly chrome is such an ever shifting beast.
The developers/bugfixers read all threads so if you'll right click internet history and choose analysis then right click the detailed results. From there choose save to txt file and attach the file here to this thread, it will greatly aid in trouble shooting.
As far as your forum issue
the first icon in the reply box looks like a light switch. Click it and your issue is likely solved. It turns off Rich Text view so if you want to use the other buttons temporarily click it choose you button then click it off
or type the BBC code
[b]as such[/b]
will be
as such
Log attached
Hi hms1310!
I tried to reproduce your problem but without any success. I have Windows 7 64 bit and latest available version of Chrome - 26.0.1410.64m. CCleaner 4.00.4064 is working perfectly for me. All my custom settings that I made in preferences of the web browser are intact after cleaning.
Can you please start ccleaner with /debug parameter and provide log file?
If you do not know how to do this please follow instructions under this link:
PS: Replace Defraggler with CCleaner
I was having a hell of a time trying to get that to work. Sorry I'm not as tech savvy as everyone else. I did, however, uninstall it, then reinstalled the latest version from the Piriform site itself, and now I haven't had any problems(so far).
Did you initially install CCleaner from Piriform?
correct debugging instructions are http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=37347
Welcome Fruitfully, for a first post you seem pretty knowledgeable though, odd.
Did you try to clean Google Chrome Internet History since you reinstalled CCleaner? If yes, can you please confirm that the problem no longer exists?
And of course I would be glad if I can look at debugging log. ;-)
I just like CCleaner. That's why I know sth about it
I've been experiencing this same exact problem for several days and finally isolated CCleaner as the culprit. More specifically, the "cleaning" of "Internet History" (ONLY) under Chrome in CCleaner is the issue. I've run numerous tests and have fully verified that this setting is the issue. As long as I leave it unchecked my Chrome settings stick with no issue after reboot (and auto-CCleaner on boot-up).
I should note this was never an issue for me in the past, until about a week ago, and I have not really added, changed or updated much in my PC, including no recent update of CCleaner or Chrome that I know of. I realize Chrome can sometimes update behind the scenes, but I don't think it did. Anyway, here are the current versions I am running of each application. I hope this information helps others, as well as assisting CCleaner in properly addressing this issue within the application.
Chrome Browser Version 32.0.1700.76 m
CCleaner Version 4.06.4324 (64-bit)
OS Windows 8.1
Please update CCleaner to v4.09, the issue with Internet History for Chrome has been fixed in that version.
Please update CCleaner to v4.09, the issue with Internet History for Chrome has been fixed in that version.
Thanks. I actually did that right after posting my original comments above. It seems that my update notifications in CCleaner was disabled. I'm not sure why, because I have always left that option checked. So, I immediately updated and do confirm the latest update resolves the aforementioned issue. I just wish I had learned this before spending several days on this issue, trying find the culprit, including uninstalling various apps, resetting Chrome, disabling Extensions, etc.
Anyway... Thanks for the quick reply and hopefully we've seen the end of this issue.
Thanks for the update, I was also having this issue with CCleaner erasing my settings in Chrome when I checked Internet History. The update to 4.10.4570 appears to have resolved it.
The latest version of Ccleaner (5.42) is causing a crash (Profile) in Chrome 66.03359.117.
This happened on my laptop and 2 PC´s.
To reproduce the crash:
1.open chrome, do some surfing, close chrome.
2.open Ccleaner and do a cleaning, close Ccleaner.
3. open Chrome right away and now you get a Profile error and the question to report this error.
After the crash many personal (Profile) Chrome settings are gone and now you have to check all (advanced) settings!!
I reinstalled the previous version of Ccleaner 5.41 ..... no problems at all! I am using Windows 10, latest version!
Same things is happening to me !