Is it necessary to run HostsMan in the background?
Ask the people who make HostsMan?
What an informative answer.
I dont use hostman because I dont really rely on the hostfile for protection(I just downloaded one of the preconfigured ones). Andavari knows a ton about this and Englshmen uses hostman so you might want to see what they say.
Yup.. waiting for an informative answer
I've been using it since englishmen posted about it earlier and it seems to be OK. I've had to remove a couple entries relating to MSNBC/Microsoft to use some of their services but only 1 or 2.
It does not have to be "running" in order to work, I'm not sure why it seems to want to be, the Hosts file is just a file, not a service or program, etc.
Maybe englishmen or Andavari will post further...
The HOSTS file will block entries rather any program/service is running or not, however I believe the system must be restarted in order for new blocked sites to actually be blocked and for removed sites to be unblocked. From my extremely brief 5-10 minute usage of HostsMan I think I remember it "protecting" the HOSTS file, although I'm not totally sure I'm remembering correctly.
Wait for a proper reply about HostsMan from englishmen if he notices this thread.