
After running a "Booster" option on my Samsung S9+ CCleaner for Android and choosing 40+ apps to hibernate, CCleaner happily reports them as "stopped", but within a few minutes to a couple of hours they are all being reported as Active, I then re-run the Booster option and stop them just to have them re-activate. It is frustrating in that I haven't opened ANY of them but they "wake up" again.

I've not used it, is there a 'Disable' option or similar?

Hibernate just means 'go to sleep for a while' so you would expect them to wake up again. (At least I would).

Thanks nukecad; I will select 5 of the ones that come "back" (they are ~43) and go to settings and "force stop" them and will post back. BTW, your "Out of Beer Error" reminded me of judge Kavanaugh ... "I LIKE BEER"

Well I'm sat in the pub at the moment so my beer meter is at an acceptable level, and getting towards 'full'.

I thought with my Pro CCleaner that once I select any app to be hibernated they stay that way until I open it again.....so, this is NOT true??

Can someone clear this up for me?

'Hibernate' just means go to sleep for a while.

How long that 'while' is will depend on each app, and what you have set that app to do in it's own settings.

CCleaner can tell them to hibernate but it can't tell them when to wake up again.

It may be next time you open the app, or the next time you swipe the screen on, or the next time you.... , or it may be simply after so many minutes.

You would have to set that in each app, if the app allows you to do that.

If the apps don't remain hibernated until you use them again, and also for less than say 4 hours, and you have to go into settings to force stop them, then it would seem to me that that part of ccleaner is a gimmick.

On 19/11/2019 at 12:53, JayH said:
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		If the apps don't remain hibernated until you use them again, and also for less than say 4 hours, and you have to go into settings to force stop them, then it would seem to me that that part of ccleaner is a gimmick. 

I think CCleaner hibernation ....? may be a "gimmick" too, when I use it for my Samsung Galaxy Tab S 5e android tablet.....and here I was thinking TOTAL shutdown of these apps that I just put into Hibernation Mode.....until I used these apps again. So, I guess only option left is to Turn Off in that app itself...it almost always says it in some manner..."may effect other apps/ or performance of my device when I try to do this." I think that is mainly a harmless warning unless it is a system function related app of some kind. I do not know why CCLEANER PRO even offers it, unless pre-purchasers are drawn by that particular feature and NOT aware that this is only in reality wishful thinking, like me....that's not the main reason I bought it though, yet I felt it was a great feature until I tried it. Oh well, it is what it is.

If ANYONE knows a better way to stop apps from re - starting/ re-opening after we we click on "Stop Applications from Re- Opening using CCleaner Pro for Android other than I and others spoke of in this forum...... inform us all and thank you for any and all replies on this issue to help. Much appreciated and you could be a hero to us...you.....would be a Tech ➡️ ? Angel...for sure !

Someday, in questions in near future like these will be considerd a silly one to ask...yet this real tech issue is a TODAY'S tech problem for some of us right now. Surely, somewhere in God's master plan---Heaven Sent tech angel(s) are out there or in classes. say God is "all knowing.... kind.... and listening"....so listen up....up there and please forward to proper dept....lol.....?

Applications are able to start back up on their own. I have been able to get familiar with what apps start right back up, by themselves, and what apps do not in my device specifically... I also have learned that hibernating or force closing some other apps, especially apps in which you don't have much knowledge about can cause certain features on your device to stop working until the app is either restarted or the device is restarted. On Motorola phones for instance, if you hibernate or stop the "Moto" app, your gestures to quickly turn your flashlight on and off, or the gesture to quickly open your camera with two flicks of your wrist will cease to work if you hibernate or force stop this "Moto"app. My best advice is to familiarize yourself as much as possible with what you're hibernating and force closing because more likely than not, an application you are hibernating is causing whichever issue you're blaming CCleaner for.

You can always go by trial and error by checking to see if you still have the same issues by not hibernating/force closing specific apps to check and see if any app your closing is causing all or any of your headaches.