Helping friends out with PC maintanance.

I was just helping friends with optimizing their PCs and made a "To-do list", so can anyone tell me if I need to add anything else?


CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. This software is a must for Windows.

Download Page.

1. Run CCleaner.

2. Tools> Start up> Disable unwanted programs.

3. Tools> Uninstall> Uninstall unwanted bloatware.

4. Run CCleaner again.


1. <span>Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus. </span>Download Link.

2. <span>Avast! Free Antivirus. </span>Download Link.

3. <span>Microsoft Security Essentials. </span>Download Page.

Antispyware (This is required along with an Antivirus.)

1. <span>Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. </span>Download Link.

2. <span>SpywareBlaster.</span> (along with the Antispyware.) Download Link.

Auslogics Disk Defrag (Defragmentation)

Download Link.


Use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome


Use Adblock Plus with Firefox to block the ads. (You can get this in the add-ons.)

Foxit Reader

Adobe Reader is a heavy tool and is often targeted by virus-makers for its vulnerabilities. Use Foxit Reader instead, its smaller and better. Download Link.

If they don't need advanced PDF features, I'd go for SumatraPDF. It's really light (less than 2 MB), and doesn't ask you to install stupid toolbars.

And if they're on Vista/7 and want security, they should use either IE or Chrome, but not Firefox. Seriously. (There's an ABP-like plugin for IE called Simple Adblock)

I think an anti-spyware program is not required - I never used one and never got any spyware.

Along with CCleaner, DiskMax ( ) is quite good in its "Complete" cleaning, but rather slow, and it doesn't clean apps.

...and the usual "Go into Programs and Features (or Add/Remove programs in XP), uninstall everything you don't need, search on Google everything you don't know".

Cnet warns Foxit installs unpleasant curveballs. :P

At the top of the list I would have installing latest Windows updates.

Apart from that, it's a fairly well balanced general guideline.

We could all say no, use this app, no use that app, but they are all just personal prefs at the end of the day.

Ah, thanks a lot. :)

I've made a switch to SumatraPDF as well!

A good idea would be to educate them into a regular backup program.

"Disk Imaging" for definite, but at least backup all your personal folders, Music, Pictures etc.

Registry backups as well maybe, using ERUNT with the easy to use GUI.

Ah, thanks a lot. :)

I've made a switch to SumatraPDF as well!

Yes, better reviews. :)

fileforum, associatedcontent, softsea

Edit. softsea provides instructions for making Sumatra the default PDF viewer in both IE and Firefox, without totally uninstalling Adobe Acrobat.

SumatraPDF wouldn't be so bad if it didn't keep saying "Please wait - rendering..." every time I page up page down or resize the pages.

I've removed it though with UPX decompression and modification with a hex editor. :)

Can anyone recommend a good free PDF creator that doesn't watermark the output file??

Richard S.

SumatraPDF wouldn't be so bad if it didn't keep saying "Please wait - rendering..." every time I page up page down or resize the pages.

I've removed it though with UPX decompression and modification with a hex editor. :)

Can anyone recommend a good free PDF creator that doesn't watermark the output file??

Richard S.

I am using Foxit Creator but you should try doPDF.

I am using Foxit Creator but you should try doPDF.

I normally install Go2PDF (freeware) on PC's that I build for clients that do not have the funds for Adobe. Go to Go2PDF anyhow (anyhoo) have a look. :D

Why use an expensive software while there is a free (and still good) equivalent?

Can anyone recommend a good free PDF creator that doesn't watermark the output file??

I've been using what I posted about here a few months back, and it works perfect for me and is freeware.

Edit: I'll just quote my previous post below:

If you need a freeware PDF creation software that works similarly to Microsoft Word perhaps look into Tomahawk PDF+ Freeware Version. You'll of course need the optional dictonaries on the download page if you want to spell check. If placing images in a PDF I've found that I must use BMP otherwise the images won't display correctly in the saved PDF. Also don't expect high image quality of imported images, it really squashes them making them somewhat blurry, but hey it's free.

0ffice 07 and later as well as openoffice both export to pdf.

0ffice 07 and later as well as openoffice both export to pdf.

That would be good in my opinion since the PDF's could be made to look more professional and elaborate, like a Word document but instead in a smaller sized PDF. Of course there's also the online free converters too, but they have varying quality with no control over the outcome.

Here are a few of my recommendations:

Lite programs usually load faster & perform better as a result.

Less code = less bloat.

I recommend a couple programs:

- Haihaisoft PDF

- Infra Recorder

There are many areas that can speed up a PC. Let us address a few of them.

- Check your tasks folder. It is starting to be common for programs to abuse that area

- Turn off CD/DVD/USB autorun. Viruses LOVE this function.

- Startup Run is a great program to disable startup + BHO. The fewer, the better.

- Check the Hosts file for hijackers. Redirects are not funny.

- Install Firefox with updated Flash + adblock plugin. Using IE with Active-X is a laugh! May as well be using swiss cheese for security!

- Turn off indexing service - It wears out the drive faster + slows system performance. I use Locate32 to find files. Much faster/better.

- Turn off all visual effects you don't need. In XP, disable all but Smooth Edges of Screen Fonts. Leave Visual Styles if you want it pretty.

- In Vista/7 the Aero effects can kill performance. Disable that & items that state slide or fade.

- Disable System Restore, then re-enable so you are protected. This can free several GB.

- Run CCleaner, then use it's tools section to uninstall toolbars/heavy programs that are no longer needed or have lite freeware counterparts that work better.

- Move folders with lots of compressed files to an external drive. This will speed up directory browsing.

- Turn off automatic search for network folders & printers if you don't use that.

- Check if the machine has malware. Malware slows machines down.

- If you use automatic updates, do so with care. Be sure you have a full system backup.

Updates are intended to patch things, but there are some possible side-effects to be aware of.

Updates have been known to do the following:

- Bluescreen 300 + business machines because of a bad update file

- Bluescreen a machine because of a bad or buggy driver file

- Introduce new holes

- Cause certain programs to stop working

- Interfere with programs or functionality

Keep in mind that the most fully patched machine still does nothing to prevent an "inside" job, or that is to say, if someone locally installs a malware with full user profile permissions, then your machine WILL get infected. Patched or not.

Also, updates WILL slow your system tremendously over a several month period of updating. It may make your system more secure... If it doesn't crash or bluescreen it first! Update with caution, & always with a good backup in case something horrible goes wrong so you can recover.

Having a good bi-directional firewall helps tremendously as Windows has a unidirectional firewall that still leaves a few ports open such as file & printer sharing. Have Microsoft learned nothing by now? *Shakes head*.

IMO, probably shouldn't clean out your prefetch folder.

Lots of advice both ways, the ones I trust say no.

I have done it all: delete a few, delete all except layout.ini &

Made no discernable difference in speed here. :) Didn't crash, either, tho.

Just my opinion.

Ed Bott 1

Ed Bott 2

The first link you suggested by Ed Bott suggests that it does no good to clean the prefetch because the entries will be recreated, anyway. This does not happen if you turn it off though!

The second entry lists hibernation as a good option to use to resume in seconds.

Hibernation seems to work better on laptops than desktops, but it is not without problems. Whether plagued by driver issues, BSOD's on resume, or resumes that take longer than an actual boot...

Standby is a little lighter than hibernate, but it rarely causes problems & truly does come on nearly instantly.