For some strang reason now when ever i try uninstalling stuff it says uit uninstals it but it leaves a bunch of s**t in my programs folder. if i try deleting it it say "make sure your disk is not full or write-protected and the file is not curently in use" and i cheeck every thing and i should be able to delete it.

Later i tried using the program "Eraser" and it says every time i try to ersae it that "error: reached the end of the file." and it leaves the file there.

This is getting really annoying so i need some help as soon as possible.


1-check for possible spyware

2-delete the file(s) in safemode

3-if certain process is locking the file(s) try

What are you uninstalling?

it's ok now i was able to get ride of them wit bergy help. Thanks anyway