Help with XP Power Settings!

For the past several weeks my XP SP3 desktop has started to forget my power settings. I've successfully completed the fix that the included link suggests but after several browser sessions it will again "forget" to power down the monitor. I can not find a correlation but I can't help but feel that there must be some software conflict ongoing. Help would be appreciated!

For the past several weeks my XP SP3 desktop has started to forget my power settings. I've successfully completed the fix that the included link suggests but after several browser sessions it will again "forget" to power down the monitor. I can not find a correlation but I can't help but feel that there must be some software conflict ongoing. Help would be appreciated!

Try this:

Figure out how long ago the problem started occurring.

- After using a backup program like Drive Image XML to make a complete image of your system in case something goes wrong, then:

- Run System Restore to a date you know everything was working. If you created new pictures/files before after that date, be sure to back them up to a flash drive before you proceed. According to MS documentation, items in your My Documents folder should be unaffected by a restore. Although, you may still want to back up some of those items just to be on the safe side.

- Turn off System Updates for a week or two & verify if your power settings work.

- If everything works, turn updates back on & see how long it takes for the settings to be "forgotten" again. You may be able to pinpoint a certain update that disables the settings.

- If the settings are still forgotten, try to remember whether any program(s) you installed, disk cleanup utilities, registry cleaners, antimalware programs, etc. have been run that could have caused it to act this way. Remember, that not all disk cleaners are "safe" like CCleaner as some search for types of junk to clean.

The danger with this, is if a program searches for .TPM (temporary files), it can also be used by a program for .TMP (Calendar Templates) etc.....

This would cause problems if all ".TMP" files were removed!


If it's any consolation slowday, I keep a similar reg file to hand as my Power Settings occasionally get screwed up.

It takes less time to reset them with the reg entry, and the personalise them again, than it would take me to find out why it happens. It's no big deal to me, I just look upon it as maybe one of XP's little quirks.

I just look upon it as maybe one of XP's little quirks.

Probably and unfixed bug that will never get fixed. My thoughts are it's some registry damage or missing registry settings which are the cause.

Last week when I ditched Avast the uninstall did something to the XP themes on my system where if I'd switch it would always go back to the ugly default blue non-gloss XP theme after a reboot, simply reinstalling the XP Royale theme did something to fix it.

For the past several weeks my XP SP3 desktop has started to forget my power settings. I've successfully completed the fix that the included link suggests but after several browser sessions it will again "forget" to power down the monitor. I can not find a correlation but I can't help but feel that there must be some software conflict ongoing. Help would be appreciated!

Same for me. I have found this only happens to me after watching a Utube video, the monitor will not powerdown until after a reboot. I have not been able to find what causes this