Hi, The cleaner which I just got a few days ago, deletes all of my web site usernames and passwords from my computer. How do I stop it from doing that? That is the only prblem I have with using it. Thank you for your help!
A few questions:
Are you using Health Check or Custom Clean?
Which browser?
And is it actually deleting the saved passwords - or just logging you out so that you need to login again?
(It usally also helps if you say what Windows version/build you have an which antivirus you are using).
Hi, I'm using Windows 10 with Zone Alarm anti-virus. Yes, it is logging me out so I have to log in. Before it automatically put my name and password in for me. I'd like to keep that if I can. Trying to put in 20 usernames and passwords is a pain in the buttiski! :) I believe I used both health check and custom clean. I just got the program a few days ago, so I'd like to set it up so I just either custom clean and/or health check and it automatically takes care of doing its job. Whatever you can do to make it an easy one or two button push after we set it up properly would be great! Thanks for your help.
OK, that's fairy simple to do it how you want.
It is the 'Session' information for the browser that keeps you logged into websites, if you clear the 'Session' you get logged out of everything (and any open tabs get closed).
You can avoid CCleaner clearing the Session information by only using Custom Clean and simply unticking 'Session' for the Browser(s) where you want to stay logged in.
Once unticked then Custom Clean will leave the session information alone. (Unless/until you tick it again).
Note that Health Check does not respect those ticks/unticks in Custom Clean, they are only for use by Custom Clean.
Health Check is meant as simple option and so always uses its own cleaning rules which you can't change. (You can control them a bit but have to do it each time you use Health Check).
So even with 'Session' unticked in Custom Clean if you do happen to run Health Check that will still clear the Session information.
Thank you for the help!! Im glad my request was easy.