Help (Vista)

Hey, can someone point me to a tutorial on how to install vista or start up the vista installation via floppy?

via floppy? i dont think it can do that, but i may be wrong....

Why bother with a floppy disk in this day and age! You can boot from the CD or DVD it came on - of course you can even configure the BIOS to check for bootable CDs/DVDs before it automatically boots the OS from the hard disk.

Actually, at another forum I visit, the solution to half the problems with vista booting, is solved with a 98 boot floppy. They've come a long way in the last decade! Funny that new computers with vista even come with a floppy. Mine came with XP less than two years ago, but no floppy drive.

Actually, at another forum I visit, the solution to half the problems with vista booting, is solved with a 98 boot floppy.

Good lord, that's sad that Vista needs a relic like a 98 boot disk. :o

Actually, a recent incident had me wondering how you install an OS in a worst case scenario.

I had to reinstall Windows XP on a computer that no longer detected either of its DVD drives. Luckily it still had a floppy drive and I used the Windows XP 6-floppy set to load enough drivers to enable one of the DVD drives.

But what do you do if there isn't a floppy drive?

But what do you do if there isn't a floppy drive?

Set the drive of the affected computer as a slave on another machine and format it from there.

Replace it as master to the original machine and the XP cd should boot and install, or at least it worked for me the other day. :unsure: