Help! The feature you are trying to use ...

I"m using CCleaner from a lot of time without any problem.

But in the last days I've got a trouble and I'm not finding a way to fix this.

It seems that, after a registry clean, something is went wrong.

Now, every program that use MSI installer I try to uninstall, I get this message:

"The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable"

I've tried to update the MSI installer with that one available on MS site, but no luck :(

I'm really hoping that someone here have an hint about this issue, otherwise I'd format and reinstall winXP (btw, I'm using winXP sp2, 32 bit).

What I'm thinking, before gonna reinstall all, is install again the sp2, with the hope that this could fix the problem ...

Here are a couple of links for you to read

Did you choose the option of a registry backup when you did the "issues" scan ?

Thanks for your reply Hazelnut,

unfortunately no luck with both of them.

I've tried to reinstalla the sp2 as well ... but nothing to do.

I think the next step would be reinstall everything :(

This utility may help

Thanks Mike,

already tried it as well.

It worked for some apps but not for all.

Now I've to update the MICROSOFT VISUAL C++ 2005 RUNTIME LIBRARIES and I cannot continue the installation due to the "unavailable resource" ...