Help removing software

I recently tried and decided against a piece of hardware.

It was an device to connect a VCR to the computer and came with drivers and Video editing software.

All the driver did was install an icon in the notification area, and the video editing software crashed every time I tried to open it. I returned the whole lot to the shop.

The problem I am experiencing is that the driver appears in Add/Remove, but I can't delete it. The editing software did appear only under All Programs on the Start menu, with an option of Uninstall, which did not work.

It has been suggested to me that I remove the files from Program Files, then go into the registry and remove the appropriate folder/s. I am able to easily do the former, and very reluctant to do the latter. Last time I mucked around in registry I had to reinstall Windows - there is a reason they make the registry hard to find! Bunnies like me, don't know what they are doing = chaos. :blink:

If I remove the file from Program Files will the Registry section of CCleaner remove the "orphaned" registry entries?

I have the same problem. I need to uninstall a Scanning SW called Pagemanager. Refuses to respond to Uninstall. The Uninstall feature in Ccleaner also does not work. I want to know if the DELETE feature in CCleaner will remove the whole SW including Registry entries?

Try using the windows install clean up utility, but make sure you only check the programs you want to uninstall.

Thanks Mike,

The Windows Uninstall utility only picked up stuff on the Start menu, I have already deleted those entries.

Use Revo Uninstaller. It can remove just about anything, damaged or not. Here's the link: Revo Uninstaller If you want the portable version of it so you don't have to install it, use this link:

Thanks Icedrake,

I have tried Revo also. Even in the Hunter mode it would not delete from the Start menu.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

These apps (watch out for CyberLink) seem to be mighty resistant/persistent!

I may try deleting them from Program Files and see if CCLeaner will remove the remnants from the registry... damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! :o

Have you looked to see if anythings still running from that program?

With it being a driver, it's probably been configured to load at startup, which means it's in use and can't be removed.

It may be in the startup list in CCleaner, or it may be showing up in Task Manager. Check if it's running a service ... Start\Run\Type "services.msc" (no quotes)\select Go.

It may show something in "Process Explorer". (Freeware)

I have the same problem. I need to uninstall a Scanning SW called Pagemanager. Refuses to respond to Uninstall. The Uninstall feature in Ccleaner also does not work. I want to know if the DELETE feature in CCleaner will remove the whole SW including Registry entries?

Hi Kabs, and welcome to Piriform.

CCleaners "delete" feature will only remove it's entry in Add/Remove.

You may have a similar problem to xerowest. Research shows that that program installs printer drivers, which may again be running from startup.

You could try doing the same checks as posted above, and you could try uninstalling it in Safe Mode (see my signature) to hopefully catch it before it runs anything.

Look especially for "WrtProc.exe", and "WrtMon.exe". Have a read here:

Hope that helps.

It was an device to connect a VCR to the computer and came with drivers and Video editing software.

I bought one of those years ago back in 2003 after I had just received my new then WinXP Pro system. From the installation of the VCR converter box device drivers onward it was nothing but a crash happy nightmare. I ended up returning it and buying a home DVD recorder a couple of years later that got the job done without all the fuss.

I bought one of those years ago back in 2003 after I had just received my new then WinXP Pro system. From the installation of the VCR converter box device drivers onward it was nothing but a crash happy nightmare. I ended up returning it and buying a home DVD recorder a couple of years later that got the job done without all the fuss.

Yes I have already returned the hardware, and happy to see the back of it. Especially after seeing a review of a similar device which gave it one star out of five.

My problem is the persistent software.

The original request for advice was whether, if I removed the files from Program Files, would CCleaner remove the remnants from the registry? I am vary wary of meddling with the registry.

If CCleaner can find the registry items, it can remove them. It's best to save the files before you delete them, just in case, you know. If CCleaner can not find hidden registry items, good chances are that they're so small and insignificant that they'll make no difference whatsoever with your systems' performance. Then again, I imagine CCleaner would also be careful not to show registry items that possibly could be "shared" with another app.

CCleaner is a good mid-range reg cleaner. Nowadays the only things I reg clean are games that I've played or demos, etc. The names are easy to recognize. Everything else I just leave alone.

I thought this was your problem ...

The problem I am experiencing is that the driver appears in Add/Remove, but I can't delete it.
I thought this was your problem ...

Well yes, ... but the initial post also said:

The editing software did appear only under All Programs on the Start menu, with an option of Uninstall, which did not work.
So I thought it was clear that was part of the problem, I suppose I could have been clearer.

Revo, and I, cannot remove the driver from Add/Remove, and the CyberLink programs (the video editing ones referred to in the first post) were only ever on the Start menu, the dropdown had an "Uninstall" option, which did not work. These things never appeared in Add/Remove. So I never had the option of using Add/Remove to remove them.

I hope that is clearer.

Even though you disregarded the suggestion I made, I still suggest checking to see if that driver is running from startup. If it is, then that's probably the reason you can't remove it.

If I'm wrong, you've lost nothing. If I'm right, it may help solve your problem.

If it is running, there's probably no point in trying to remove visible files and folders, or registry entries, until it's either disabled or removed before it loads.

Driver issues are probably the biggest cause of BSODS and other problems, and when that happens, the offending driver invariably has to be dealt with before it starts running, i.e. "Safe Mode".

Hi, xerowest. :) Not sure eggzakly what you're trying to remove. A driver, or a program in add/remove, or both?

If you had software that locked itself onto your computer against your wishes, maybe you should post in the spyware hell forum: Be sure to read what to do before you post.

You can find out what process doesn't give a possibility to remove the software, then kill it with any program, then using utility REGEDIT delete all the entries for this software. Also you can connect to your pc from terminal, and then delete the folder with software

Boy this post seems to have caused a lot of confusion, for which I will have to take the blame. :wub: So I shall try to clarify.

The sequence of events began with the installation of a thing called a KWorld DVD Maker USB 2.0, which was supposed to connect the computer to a VCR. The plan was to copy VHS tapes to the computer, and make DVDs.

The KWorld installed a USB Driver, a 2860 device driver to give it its full title. It also came with 2 apps for video editing, both from CyberLink, PowerProducer 4 and PowerDirector 5. The driver is listed in Add/Remove, but I was unable to remove it. The 2 CyberLink apps only appeared in the Start Menu, when I moused over the name in the menu the pop up or drop down, however you like to call it, had an Uninstall option. This did not work. I have deleted the entries from the Start Menu, but Program Files remain.

So to address some of the responses which I may have overlooked, the driver still showed in Add/Remove, but it did not show in My Computer> Properties> Hardware>Device Manager>Sound, Video & Game Controllers, as it did when it was "working," for lack of a better word. It does appear in Revo, with a circle with a slash through it, and an attempt to remove it has just succeeded, and it no longer appears in Add/Remove! Yippee :rolleyes: Thanks to Icedrake for that link. Revo has not been able to do anything about the CyberLink Program Files - the original post was after opinions about whether, if I removed these manually, would CCLeaner clean out the remnants in the registry?

DennisD Prior to this it did not appear in either the Task Manager (I suppose I would not have been able to delete it if it had been running), nor did it appear in procexp.exe. Thanks for the link though, I did not intentionally disregard your post, more a case of overlooked. No offence was intended, and I hope none was taken.

The CyberLink apps still remain in Program Files, they are not really doing any harm, but I would like to see the back of them, they crashed on every attempt to open them.

The KWorld device has been returned.

I have just given up on another device which was supposed to connect the VCR to the computer, at least this time I was able to uninstall the software without anything more traumatic than a restart. It seems that connecting via USB, or by USB and a sound jack, just does not do the job. My next attempt will be with a Video/TV card, I am hopeful that a big fat RF cable and a sound lead will be capable of successful video capture.

Andavari, I can hear the cogs turning. These days I do capture with DVD, but I have some treasured stuff on VHS which I want to convert to DVD (just as I converted my vinyl and cassette tapes to computer files) - otherwise I would not be putting myself through all this. This is my last analogue to digital conversion "adventure." (There are some on line tutorials, one including a zip file of freeware apps). Once I have converted the VHS to DVD, the TV card may get some use as a digital TV receiver, when I can be bothered to get an antenna, (with an antenna I can also use the computer as a digital recorder) this is not a high priority.

clarityx, thanks for the suggestion. I am more than a little wary of regedit, I got burned only a couple of months back and had no choice but to reinstall Windows, lost all my emails and bookmarks. That's why I was asking if CCleaner would deal with this.

I hope I have clarified things. And many thanks to those who have posted helpful suggestions, I hope I have not at any point appeared ungrateful. The most recent, unsuccessful, attempt led me to think the VCR had died, and I went and bought another. It has all been a little hectic and fraught around here, hence my lack of attention to posts, and poor explanations. Forums only work due to the efforts of users who contribute, so I am very appreciative of all replies I have received. :D

Did you get it gouged out of there yet? :)

Did you get it gouged out of there yet?

:lol: , Interesting terminology, have you worked in the protocol department of the Royal Household?

Yes I got out the heavy artillery (Eraser) and managed to "gouge" it out, except for one file, "Rich Video" which is allegedly shared with another app. And it was no small job either, took an hour!

I just used task manager to end the process and deleted that last remnant. It will be interesting to see what doesn't work anymore.

I think this is where I live happily ever after. :D

You could have tried Unlocker!