Sometimes it gives a better result if you uninstall in safe mode. Found this useful info on another forum...
To remove ZoneAlarm completely from your computer in case normal uninstall can’t be run or doesn’t run properly, do the following:
* Right click the ZoneAlarm systray icon and click Restore ZoneAlarm Control Center.
Go to Overview > Preferences and uncheck Load ZoneAlarm at startup.
Close Control Center, right click the icon again and then click Shutdown ZoneAlarm.
Note: If you're unable to carry out this step because the icon is missing, you can skip it and proceed with the next steps, but in this case do them all in safe mode!
* Go to Start > Programs > ZoneLabs and click Uninstall, or uninstall ZA using Control Panel > Software > Add/Remove Programs.
If a security check appears, click Yes and continue the uninstall procedure.
* Make sure hidden files and folders are shown. To do so open Windows Explorer. Depending on your OS click Tools or View and then Folder Options > View.
Choose Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Windows 2000/XP/2003 only) and click OK.
* Next go to Start > Search > Files and Folders. Make sure the location box is set to search your Local Hard Drive (usually C:\ ) or All Local Drives. Also make
sure the Advanced Search Options are set to search subfolders and hidden files. Now copy the entire line below, paste it into the search box and click Search Now.
Zonelabs; "zone labs"; "Internet logs"; vsconfig.xml; vsdata.dll; vsdata95.vxd; vsdatant.sys; vsmon.*; vsmonapi.dll; vsnetutils.dll;vspubapi.dll; zaplus.*; zapro.*; zllictbl.dat; zlparser.dll; zonealarm.exe; zoneband.dll; vsutil.dll; zlclient.*
A list of files and folders belonging to ZoneAlarm will appear in the Search Results pane.
Note: if you’re using McAfee software be sure to check the vsutil.dll if found: right click the file and choose Properties.Verify it belongs to ZoneLabs.
If it does not do not remove it. Now proceed by deleting all ZoneLabs files and folders that were found.
* Empty the Recycle Bin.
* Now remove all ZoneLabs keys that may be left in the Windows registry. To do this copy the lines below and paste them into Notepad.
Save the file as zabegone.reg, double click it and allow for the registry changes to be made.
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Zone Labs]
[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Zone Labs]
[-HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Zone Labs]