We need help. We have accidentally formatted (and lost) all of our family photos off our hard drive. My husband has run the recuva and it has found the files and is ready to recover the files, however, we don't have a separate hard drive big enough (as we understand we cannot restore to the original hard drive). Can we split the recover and put half on one external hard drive and half on another, by selecting the files individually?
We are concerned if we only select some files that we will then lose the other recovered files. Alternatively can we leave the recuva waiting to be restored and buy a new hard drive tomorrow.
Please help!
Recovering to the same drive is never a good idea as it will probably, almost certainly, overwrite the data that you are trying to recover.
Note also that Recuva may ask for more space to recover to than it actually needs, that's because not everything that it finds on a scan may be recoverable.
See this thread from a user who's scan found more that the size of his drive: <a href="<___base_url___>/topic/59422-external-hard-drive-bigger-size-than-internal/?tab=comments#comment-324522" rel="">https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/59422-external-hard-drive-bigger-size-than-internal/?tab=comments#comment-324522</a>
Whilst you should be able to change the scan options to find/recover certain files to one disc, then change the scan again to find/recover different files to another, personally I'd wait and get the new bigger disc anyway, it's aways handy to have an extra drive.