Help recopvering files

Hi all...

I have been using CCleaner for a few years on both home and work computers and never had an issue until now

My sister-in-law was complaining how slow her computer was running so I said, "I know the answer to a lot of that" Well.. no good deed goes unpunished.

I ran CCleaner, both top remove files and fix registry and left it while the registry cleaner was running.

She calls me later that day and says that her machine is all messed up and she can;t find her files.

I am looking at it now and the documents folder is there, but the desktop files are all gone, along with backgrounds etc. It is almost as if a new user was created or something.

I am currently running a Recuva deep scan to see if I find anything and I tried searching with no luck. I found a couple of "temp" users but nothing in them. The computer is running Vista and it looks like she never installed SP1!!!! since that is popping up in the updates section.

The big deal is that one of the files that was on the desktop was a payroll file for her nanny that she needs to do taxes!!!

If anyone can help me or point me int he right direction I will be VERY grateful!

Try something like C:\Users\(Username)\Desktop

It could be the the files are still there but it can't recognise the login. I've had this happen before and that is usually the case :)

Try something like C:\Users\(Username)\Desktop

Thats only if they are using Vista Tom. dcdivenut hasn't stated like most users with problems on here which operating system with service pack number and web browser they are using. They could always try a system restore. ;)

Hi dcdivenut,

You say you're running Vista, so there may be some hope here.

Have a look at this page about the free 'Shadow Explorer'.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


You say you're running Vista, so there may be some hope here.

Sorry dcdivenut I missed that bit at the bottom. ;)