I run the defraggler in standard or quick mode and after it is done. My drive still shows as fragmented. For example if it is fragmented at 35%. After it is done it will still show 35% or be a few points lower. Such as 32%
I have a Quad 4, 8 gig RAM HP Machine running Vista 64 bit.
Am I doing something wrong? I remember on my old machines that a defrager would bring the numbers to 0 or close to 0.
Each time I do it the drive seems to get more and more defragged. The numbers get higher.
Your frags are mostly in the middle of the drive, right where Vista puts my Sys Vol Info files, which I presume likewise for you. In which case they are not defragable.
Don't be concerned about these files for they are used only for restoring, which you probably do only rarely.
Try deleting some of the older restore points with CCleaner.
Exposing the File List can show exactly which files have not been defragged.
Now let's examine the figures displayed, 15 Files occupy 73 GB and are in 160 fragments. That actually means on average the fragments are about 1/2 a GB, which means they contain about a 100,000 4K blocks.
The red blocks and high % figure, 73 GB fragmented out of approx. 200 GB used, look bad, but aren't showing a real problem. Each of those fragments are likely larger than most of the unfragmented files on the system.