Help please [Driver Wiper]

Hello, I installed ccleaner and its works fine. I have one question. when you go to the Tools then drive wiper, if I do the whole hardrive will it automatically reinstall windows for me? or do I have to get a CD or something. Thanks.

It won't reinstall windows, is the bad news -- if it could be called that, as I'm not sure how any software would go about such a task. The good news is CCleaner won't let you do a full (not free space only) wipe on your windows drive (system drive, usually but not always, C drive)

oh okay... thanks. my laptop is acting weird When I try to press restore to windows factory settings it doesn't work. I plugin a usb for the recovery drive (Enough for the memory) so whenever I plugin it in it says recovery. I have no clue whats going on.. I got it back from the company and apparently my harddrive was broken which I have no clue what happened. Thanks super much!!! ( I accidently posted this twice) Ill find another program for it! :)

Maybe if you give some specific information, someone may help, but rattling on helps no one.

So are you blaming CC for breaking your hard drive?

Did you do the drive wipe process?

No im not blaming CCleaner. i love ccleaner and it works great. but what im saying it that my laptop i got back from were i sent it in they messed it up. i need to wiping the harddrive. Heres the story: One day my laptop went black. So i went to online support and they told me i need to send it back in because the hard drive was bad. I was confused because i havent even had this laptop for one year. so i sent it back in and i got it back in march 2014. then about in august my laptop audio stopped working and then my files were uncompatable. I was so confused so i tried to factory reset it but it said insert media. so i made a recovery drive and it still says your media is not correct. So i was just asking what would i do if i did the driveprocess.

i tried to factory reset it but it said insert media. so i made a recovery drive and it still says your media is not correct

Perhaps call the computer manufacturer for support.

What operating system are you using?

Windows 8 dell insprion 15 3521 6gb intel core i3 and okay ill talk to them

Its okay, ill just talk to dell. Thanks for the help.