help needed please - scan time

computer is able to recognize external harddrive, but unable to open

message: files are corrupt and hence unreadable

currently running recuva on drive for 18 hours

deep scan not used

drive size is 500gb, used about 1/4 to 1/3

files are mainly doc pdf zip rar


1) how long does it take?

the estimated time left fluctuates from 3days to 70days etc

2) chances of recovery?

1) Not that long. If you're in Stage 2, cancel it and continue recovery from there. If you're in Stage 1, cancel it. I would run a chkdsk against the drive, then run Recuva in normal scan with Scan for Non-Deleted Files checked in Options.

2) Couldn't really say.

when trying to run disk check error "the disk check cannot be performed because windows cannot read the disk"

so didnt do disk check

also, when i tried to run recuva again, error "cyclic redundancy check"

i have no idea what to do

It doesn't sound too good. Perhaps the boot sector or one of the system files is corrupted. I don't know if any more knowledgeable person will pass by with some advice.

i shouldnot be saying this but

are there other programs that can help me?

the disk drive contains very valuable data

are there other programs that can help me?

the disk drive contains very valuable data

If Recuva cannot fulfill your needs visit Cnet which currently offers 48 free Recovery programs. :)

No program can assure recovery, so don't be misled and pay for one that promises results.

CRC errors would indicate you have bad sectors and without fixing them it's unlikely Recuva would work because it quits too quickly on faulty drives.

Perhaps using other recovery programs which have a higher tolerance to errors may have better success at recovering files?? :blink:

Richard S.

There is a very useful hard drive utility called MHDD it has the ability to scan and repair damaged sectors which may correct your CRC problems.

Although it's designed for IDE and SCSI drives it does provide USB support via SCSI emulation, whether this work or not depends on your hardware.

Just remember to boot with USB support and set "Remap" to "ON" in scan options when you run MHDD.

Richard S.

i'm using ntfs hard drive, will it work?

currently trying Pc inspector smart recovery, anyone use it before?

MHDD works at a low level it doesn't change the data exposed to the Operating System so it's fully compatible with all file systems.

Richard S.