I think I just started Speccy 1.11 for the first time and there is a problem. For several of the categories on the summary page, no information is displayed. Rather there is a message in orange letters: "Cannot Initialise SPC dll".
What does this mean and how can I fix it? Is it a problem with the program or my computer?
I think I just started Speccy 1.11 for the first time and there is a problem. For several of the categories on the summary page, no information is displayed. Rather there is a message in orange letters: "Cannot Initialise SPC dll".
What does this mean and how can I fix it? Is it a problem with the program or my computer?
Hello Hunter, I too am having the same trouble With 1.11. I rebooted and it works the first time then does not work again unless you restart your computer. using XP spc 3 if you find out a fix please share.
William, I've tried most of the generic solutions: reinstalling it, uninstalling it & reinstalling it, rebooting . . . with no results. I think this problem deserves the attention of Piriform's Support Department, because I don't know if an average user can fix it. The problem is that Support costs money
I too can confirm this (infrequently) under XP Pro, SP3 with clean install of Speccy 1.10 and 1.11.
It happens to most or all of the summary cateories previously mentioned in this thread.
The only quick way around it (for me) is a system reboot when it occurs.
It is very hard to pin down, so if anyone should see a pattern that is reproducible please report it here.
Hi Compumind,
I can only start speccy one time under a computer start where it works fine, I then quit out after checking temps and then I try to start the speccy program again and it then fails. Just started yesterday so I upgraded to the 1.11 and it still does the same thing. If I restart the computer or shut it down and start it back up I can run speccy again the 1 (one) time only and it fails again each time I try to restart the speccy program.
William, I've tried most of the generic solutions: reinstalling it, uninstalling it & reinstalling it, rebooting . . . with no results. I think this problem deserves the attention of Piriform's Support Department, because I don't know if an average user can fix it. The problem is that Support costs money
Thank you Hunter,
I understand I with my reknewing my marriage vows tomorrow--almost like a total wedding, my pocketbook is quite empty and echoing. I hope someone will assist, The more I read it sounds like maybe a registry issue or something dont know but it is happening to more than the 2 of us.
Many people have been receiving good support on here for many years guys, and for free.
It's provided by a group of regular and some not so regular volunteers who try to pool their individual levels of knowledge to solve all types of Piriform (and non Piriform) issues, for anyone and everyone who has a problem.
What you have to bear in mind is that the solutions to some of these issues can be difficult to pin down as they're either new, or can be caused by a combination of things on individual computers or specific Operating Systems. If you haven't yet had a response, it could be because no one as of yet has anything positive to offer, although I'm sure at least some of the members will be spending time researching the internet in the hope of finding a similar issue, hopefully with a solution.
The devs also read all the posts on this forum, and will I'm sure be looking at possible causes.
Sorry if this looks like a sermon Pastor Williams. That's not the intention.
I've been looking myself at possible causes for a non initialising dll, and there are many out there, including an overheating computer, but I haven't found anything yet that quite seems to fit the bill.
Also bear in mind that our members are from all parts of the world, and come on here at different times, and some not regularly, so it may be some time before someone with an answer gets to you. So just keep checking the thread, and if you have any suspicions yourselves, or any info you think may be useful, please add it to the thread. All information helps.
There's a thorough procedure that has helped me in a number of cases when an error occurred.
-- Uninstall the program.
-- Install ERUNTgui (works also in Win 7 and Vista ??). It allows the user to restore the registry to a previous state.
-- Switch off (temporarily !!!!) as much programs as possible that are automatically started when the computer boots (e.g. with CCleaner). Before switching off (not uninstalling !!) the antivirus program one should disconnect from the internet. Anti virus programs can cause a lot of trouble.
-- Clean and compact the registry (I recommend Eusing software and NTREGOPT)
-- Reboot computer.
-- Close as much programs as possible. (See the icons in the System Tray as well, in the bottom right hand side of the screen).
-- Install the program. Hopefully now the programs does work.
-- Switch on those start up options you switched off before.
Any of you guys running Outpost Firewall 7.5? I seem to have isolated the cause of my SPC dll error to Outpost, as when i disable Outposts protection Speccy runs with no problems. Interestingly, the following even is also logged in Windows Event Viewer when i get the SPC dll error;
The ScRegSetValueExW call failed for Start with the following error:
No, I am just using the default windows firewall. I've been meaning to get something else, but I use Windows very infrequently (yay Linux!) so I didn't bother.
The problem seems to have disappeared for me as quickly as it came. I no longer get the error, but I don't know why I don't get it. It's just gone. Hmm. Perhaps what one of you said about over-heating may have been the cause. Has anyone else made any progress in this issue?
Any of you guys running Outpost Firewall 7.5? I seem to have isolated the cause of my SPC dll error to Outpost, as when i disable Outposts protection Speccy runs with no problems. Interestingly, the following even is also logged in Windows Event Viewer when i get the SPC dll error;
The ScRegSetValueExW call failed for Start with the following error:
Access is denied.
hi gibradford,
i'm running the 7.5.1 version of Outpost Security Suite, which has the same firewall component as the firewall only version. i can run speccy without any problems. i also do not find a spc.dll file anywhere on my pc. i'm running win7 ultimate x64 & the x64 version of speccy. i have set it to 'run as administrator' in it's compatibility properties for the speccy.exe and speccy64.exe files.
over on the outpost forum, there is a user (edinod) with the same problem that we are trying to help, see this thread, starting around post no. 10. (i'm one of the moderators there)
In no way is there any spc.dll if you use the Portable version of either Speccy or Speccy64 (they come together in one ZIP)
The only executables appear to be Speccy.exe and Speccy64.exe
All your problems may be fixed by using the portable version.
If you still have problems try launching Windows Task manager and select the Processes TAB.
I find that after reboot and allowing the PC to settle down Windows 7 has 41 processes.
When I launch Speccy it jumps to 47 processes including Speccy64.exe.
When I close Speccy only the Speccy64.exe process terminates.
I would need to do more testing to identify the 4 extras,
but if I do find them they cause me no grief and your problems may involve other processes.
Chances are that there were extra instances of svchost.exe - that is always popping up.
After using Firefox and closing it you may find that Firefox.exe or Plugin-container.exe process continues to run,
and unless they are terminated you cannot successfully use Firefox a second time (or even have CCleaner remove its caches).
Perhaps you have a similar problem, i.e. the First Speccy*.exe process or one of its svchost-etc-type.exe supports is blocking the start of a new Speccy.
Any active A.V. or malware blocking software that takes an interest in the starting and stopping of processes may complicate life further.
I started having this error earlier this evening...I was trying to run Speccy to get the type of RAM I had as my system was crashing and Memtest had been failed.
Even though I could run machine in safe mode, Speccy still gave me the same error.
I looked a bit deeper...
I went back to my BIOS and reset it to defaults, and voila, all instability in system disappeared and Speccy runs happily and it seems I do not have a hardware problem afterall either.
Then it dawned on me that I had tweaked my BIOS after my video card failed (disabling the slot etc etc) a couple of days before. I obviously did something my OS did not like and I guess I messed up my memory timings.
So, in summary, if any of you that are having issues are overclockers or have been messing around in your BIOS, have another look at those settings.